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"Tony!" Natasha yelled, walking down into the billionaire's lab.

Tony glanced over to Bruce, who had a soft smile on his face as he talked with his husband over the phone. Tony huffed, and he spun around in his chair, as Natasha entered the room, her heels clicking.

"I still can't get over your wearing heels." Tony shook his head, and Natasha raised one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows.

"Tony, I've wron heels scince 2000, and its 2008, I think you need to get over your shock." Natasha smiled over at Bruce, with a wave, and he smiled back at her.

"Well, I'm just used to Natasha who wears sweats and walks around in tennis shoes." Tony shrugged, and Natasha rolled her eyes with a fond smile.

"Are you ready to leave?" She wondered, and Tony nodded, turning around in his chair to grab his papers off his desk.

"Did you get Honey Bear, and Pepper?" Tony asked, and Natasha nodded.

"They are already at the airport, and Happy's ready to drive us there." She answered, and Tony stood up.

He grabbed several files and briefcases, and let out a huff of breath. Bruce hung up his phone, and he tucked it into his lab coat pocket before looking over at his friends.

"Bye Nat." Bruce smiled, and he walked over to the redhead to kiss her cheek.

She kissed his cheek in return, and Bruce gave Tony a goodbye hug.

"Love ya, Brucie Bear." Tony smirked at the scientist, and Bruce rolled his eyes.

"Bye, Tony." He smiled, and Tony and Natasha walked out of the lab.

Stark Industries was less busy today, Tony not having any meetings allowing him to work in his lab all day. There were also no visits from Obidiah today, which always upgraded Tony's work day by fifteen percent. Tony and Natasha passed Carol on their way out, and she wished Natasha good luck before lecturing Tony about not doing anything stupid.

"Hey, chill out Captain, I'll be good. Plus I don't need you, Natasha, and Rhodey all giving me the same 'be good' speech." Tony smirked, and Carol rolled her eyes before hugging Tony.

"See ya later." She said, and Tony gave her a salute before following Natasha out to the car.

Happy was standing outside the door, and he opened it for Natasha and Tony. Tony nodded his head in greeting to Happy as he climbed in the car, and Natasha said a few words to Happy before following. When Tony sat in the car a hand slapped his back. He looked up and was met with the beady eyes of Obidiah.

"How ya doin', Tony?" Obie gave a toothy smile, and Tony gave a curt nod.

"Hey, Obie." He said, and as he pulled his seatbelt over his shoulder he glared at Natasha.

"You couldn't get another car, or get me one of my cars?" He hissed, and Natasha tucked a pen behind her ear.

"Do you want me to sit in the middle?" She asked, and Tony shook his head.

"No. I'll be fine, I guess." He sighed, and he looked forward through the little visor that separated the driver from the passenger.

Obidiah talked to Tony the whole drive, and Tony wished he had something to drink. Natasha finally decided to save Tony from Obidiah's constant speaking by going over files about Aldrich Killian's project. They finally reached the airport, and Tony got out of the car as quickly as he could. Rhodey was waiting outside of the plane, and he let Happy know that Pepper was already inside. Everyone got on the plane, and Tony made sure to sit between Rhodey and Natasha so that he didn't have to speak with Obidiah. The plane ride was simple, everyone working on what they had to do. They reached Las Vegas with three hours until the Apogee Award. Happy drove them all to the Caesar hotel, and Pepper told Tony his suit was already in the room. 

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