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"I told you you weren't cursed," Phil said as he dropped a newspaper on the communal dining table at the station.

Steve looked up from the book he was reading, and he lifted an eyebrow. Phil crossed his arms, eyes on the article he placed before Steve. Steve looked at the paper before making eye contact with Phil once more, and he set his book face down on the table.

"Why do you say that?" Steve asked, and Phil took a seat next to him.

"A few months ago, when Stark went missing, you told me that you were cursed because everyone you've tried to be with has died." Steve focused on his hands remembering the conversation. 

"I told you, you were crazy, and you just ignored me and went to talk to Sam." Phil reminded, and Steve grabbed the newspaper and opened it.

The headline read something about Health Care, and Steve looked up at Phil.

"As much as I am a democrat, what does this have to do with me being cursed?" Steve's tone was calm, and Phil rolled his eyes before snatching the paper off the countertop.

He flipped the page, folded it, and placed the paper into Steve's hands pointing at the headline. Steve stared at the bolded words for a moment, rereading them over and over again so his brain could comprehend. "Tony Stark Shuts Down Weapons Manafacturey After Coming Back to American from Afghanistan". Steve took in a tight breath, a smile starting to creep up on his lips.

"Not cursed," Phil smirked, and Steve shook his head letting out a little laugh.

"He's alive." Steve sighed, and Phil smiled at his friend.

"He's alive." He repeated, and Steve shook his head reading the article.

His phone started to vibrate, and he pulled it out of his pocket eyes still focused on the paper. He glanced at his mobile to see a call from Bruce Banner-Odinson. He answered the call, pressing the cool plastic to his ear.

"Hello." Steve greeted.

"Hey, Steve," Bruce said from the other end, and Steve glanced up at Phil as he walked towards the kitchen.

"I saw the headline." Steve started, and when Bruce spoke he could hear the smile.

"Yeah. Tony's home, and I was wondering if you wanted to visit him in the hospital. Thor said that you are working right now, so it is fine if you don't come for a few days. Tony's gonna be here for a while despite his protests. I'll text you in the information." Bruce concluded, and Steve let out a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" He asked.

There was an audible sigh on the other line, and Steve looked down wondering if he asked the wrong question.

"He has shrapnel entering his heart. There were fractures. Tony has night terrors, and I think he will soon be diagnosed with PTSD. It's bad." Bruce sighed, and Steve nodded.

"I'll be there first thing tomorrow morning. My shift ends tonight." Steve promised.

"Thanks." Bruce paused, and Steve heard a soft voice on the other side. "Okay." Bruce's voice was muffled. "I'll see you tomorrow Steve. I think Tony will really appreciate it if you come."

Steve smiled, and he gave a small nod out of habit. "I'll see you tomorrow, Bruce." 


The phone then hung up, and Steve got out of his chair to see Sam standing behind him with a smirk. 

"What?" Steve walked past Sam, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

"C'mon man, I have pretty much been your therapist for two years, and not to mention your best friend. What's the smile about?" Sam asked, and Steve looked down.

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