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Steve stared down at his phone, listening to the last voicemail Tony had left two months ago. Steve sighed, taking a deep breath and walked back into the bar.

“Ah, Steven, welcome back!” Thor cheered, leaning forward, his husband laughing as he was pulled forward with him.

“I know you said you didn’t want to drink, but I couldn’t help myself and ordered ale for the whole table!” 

“Thank you, Thor, but you can have it.” Steve smiled, turning his small phone over in his hands.

“It’s National Firefighter day! We must celebrate!”

“Hey, Rogers, nice of you to join us.” Natasha said from her spot next to Clint.

“Hey, man! Have I mentioned how much I hate that phone. Who the hell has flip phones anymore?” Clint yelled, but the smugness quickly disappeared when Pietro leaned forward to kiss him.

Steve rolled his eyes at his friend, slipping into the both beside Thor and Bruce. Sam slid into the seat next to Steve, and Steve frowned when Thor and Bruce both climbed out of the seat to go to the dance floor. They were quickly replaced by Natasha who seemed to be on her tenth Vodka cocktail, and was somehow not drunk.

“Where did you go?” Sam asked, and Steve turned to look at him.

“Just outside. I was getting hot in here. You know I don’t really like bars.” Steve forced a smile, and Natasha laughed from his side.

“You’re a shit liar, Steve. It’s one of the things I like about you.” She took a long sip of her cocktail, watching Steve over the rim of her glass. 

“Thanks, Nat. It means a lot to me.” Steve mumbled, and she shrugged.

“So, let me rephrase. What were you doing outside?” Sam asked, and Steve smiled, looking down, shaking his head, and he reached out for one of Thor’s beers.

Natasha turned to stare at Steve, and after a moment she took a sip of her cocktail. “He was listening to Stark’s voicemails for the fifty-sixth time.”

“That’s terrifyingly accurate.” Steve muttered, and Natasha shrugged.

“I know everything I want to know about everyone.” Natasha winked, and Sam chuckled.

“That’s insanely hot. If you didn’t have a girlfriend, I’d ask you out.” Sam leaned forward, and Natasha took another sip of her drink, finishing it off.

“Keep dreaming, Wilson.” Natasha stood up and held her hand out for Steve.

“Come on, Cap. Maria isn’t here, so I don’t have a dance partner.” 

“What about Sam?” Steve picked at the top of his beer glass, and Natasha snapped her fingers so Steve would look back up at her.

“I’m asking you.” She said, and Steve took a deep breath, chugging half of his beer before getting up and walking to the dance floor with Natasha.

Clint was dancing with Pietro and the group of girls next to them in a way that Steve had only seen college students in movies did. Thor had his arms wrapped around Bruce, both of them slowly rocking to the side despite the upbeat song. Natasha swung her hands around Steve’s shoulders, and he awkwardly placed his hands on her hips, keeping her a little ways away from him.

“Trying to leave room for Jesus?” She quipped, and Steve shook his head.

“Just trying to be respectful.” He said, and Natasha nodded.

“Good because if you didn’t I could, and would, impale you with a bar chair.” Natasha threatened, and Steve nodded.

“So, why are ghosting, Stark?” Natasha asked, and Steve took a deep breath.

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