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"Someone shaved." Peggy smiled as Steve walked out of his bedroom in a plaid shirt, jeans, and a leather jacket.

"Yeah. Does it look okay?" He asked, and Peggy nodded.

"Yeah. I missed happy Steve." She said, and Steve looked at the ground.

"Thanks Peggy." He said making eye contact with her again. "For everything." He addded, and Peggy gently pecked his cheek.

"You went through a hard loss. It's understandable." Peggy assured, leaving her hand on Steve's face for an extra moment.

"Well get on with your date." Peggy pushed him out the door.

Steve quickly grabbed his key and looked back at Peggy.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked, and Peggy nodded.

"Positve. You need to move on, love." She said, and Steve nodded looking down at his hands.

"Bye, Pegs." He waved before walking down to the parking lot of his apartment complex.

He climbed on his motorcycle and started driving to the coffee shop. A few minutes before he arrived, Tony sent Steve a text letting the blond know he was there. Steve pulled over, in a small parking spot, across from the coffee shop. Steve hopped of the bike, and he fed the meter. He then looked at the coffee shop, the red, white, and blue letter's reading "America's Coffee". He took in a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second, before making his way across the street.

"Hiya, Steve!" Peitro chripped from behind the counter, and Steve gave a sharp wave.

"How are you, Peitro?" He greeted, and the boy nodded.

Steve smiled before he spotted Tony sitting in the back of the shop on his phone. Tony was dressed in a nice suit with a satin tie. Steve looked down at his casual outfit, and he bit his lip self consciously.

"Hi." Steve said walking over to Tony and pulling the empty chair out.

Tony smiled lighty with just his lips, and Steve nervouly sat across from the brunett. Tony took his feet off of the booth he was sitting at and sat up straight.

"Sorry, I didn't call sooner to schedule this sooner. I was busy." Tony said, and Steve shrugged.

"It's okay. I didn't call either." He said, and Tony nodded.

Peitro walked over and handed Steve an Iced Americano, and Tony smriked at the boy with an eyebrow raised.

"Come here often?" Tony asked Steve, and he nodded.

"I used to." Steve answered, and Tony nodded.

"So, what have you been up to?" Tony asked.

"Nothing. I've been staying in my apartment mainly, with my roomate." Steve said, and Tony nodded.

"I wish I could say the same thing." He sighed, and Steve nodded with a smile.

"Yeah?" He asked, and Tony sighed.

"I've had a ton of meetings and things that I've had to create. The usual." Tony smirked, and Steve smiled.

"Well hopfully you get a break soon." Steve said, and Tony shrugged.

"This is break enough." He smiled, and the back of Steve's neck colored a light pink.

"So, you play sports?" Tony asked looking up and down Steve's large frame.

"Oh. No. I work out a lot though. It makes my mind busy. A distraction ya know. Also helps make my job easier." Steve answered, and Tony nodded.

"Well your good at it. Your bicep is as thick as my head is wide." Tony smirked as a waitress handed him the tall, non-fat latte with caramel drizzle.

"Wow." Steve gasped after the waitress listed the ingredents in the drink.

"Yeah. I'm extra. Not that surprising." Tony smirked, and Steve chuckled.

They talked for a little while longer. There topics ranged from food and movies to their friends.

"Well Carol is a fucking monster. Don't get on her bad side." Tony laughed, and Steve smiled.

"You have a cute laugh." He blurted, and Tony's eyes grew wide.

Steve heard what he said, and he slamed his hand over his mouth.

"Why thank you." Tony winked, and Steve's face turned tomaote red.

"That wasn't supposed to be out loud." Steve whimpered, and Tony laughed.

"I don't mind. Your laugh is pretty great to. It's not fake like some people I know." Tony smiled, and Steve looked at him with a soft smile.

It felt good, for both of them. Steve had forgotten about Bucky as much as he could. He would never forget about Bucky because he was his firt love, and from what Steve understood, the only person Steve could ever love. Tony forgot about all the pressures of his company and his image. Tony was always thinking about the future, never turly letting himself be in the moment. Yet, when Tony was with Steve, that didn't matter.

"Hey," Steve started at the end of the date, nervous about what he was about to ask. "I was wondering if next week you would like to go on another date."

Tony turned to look at Steve, and he nodded.

"Okay. My friends and I are going stargazing, because we're all nerds. They all have partners so maybe you could make me feel less lonely." Tony shrugged, and Steve nodded.

"Sounds fun." Steve smiled once they reached Tony's car.

"I'll see you friday at eight, thirty." Tony smiled, and Steve nodded.

"Can't wait."

Tony then got in his car and waved goodbye to Steve as the taller man watched Tony's car dissaper. A small smile spread on Steve's face, and he walked over to a nearby flower shop. He bought a boquet of roses, and he drove to the Brooklyn cemetary. He walked through to the back to where Bucky's grave was. Steve sighed once he stopped a few feet from the gray stone.

"Hey, honey." Steve said softly, and he knelt on the ground.

"I met someone, please don't be mad." Steve spoke, feeling a little stupid for a second with the thought that Bucky couldn't hear him.

"Tony Stark? Remember you didn't like him." Steve laughed softly. "He's really nice. Funny too. I'm sure your surprised. Now I guess I really just have met Tony, not Tony Stark. But I'm hopeful. He makes me happy, and Clint says that's what you always wanted. I've only been one day, but Tony is easy like you where." Steve looked up past the grave.

"I hope your happy." Steve said, his throat closing as tears brimed his eyes.

"I miss you a lot. It's been two years." Steve said looking down, and he sighed.

"I love you Bucky."

Steve then stood, laying the roses on the ground in front of Bucky's grave. Steve sighed walking out of the cemetary, and he got on his bike. He drove to his house and was greeted by Peggy who wanted all details. Steve told her about the whole date after Peggy had made a cup of tea for the both of them. Peggy's smile got bigger by the minutes realizing that she hadn't seen Steve this happy in a while.

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