The Fall.

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I forced myself to move and pulled off my mother's necklace, scratching my own neck in the process and turned to look at him.

He smiled at me and I numbly shook his hands as Misha introduced us. The rest of the dinner was quite with them occassionally asking some questions. I thanked the lords my mother had changed my name fearing his wife would harm me.

Looking at Misha's mother now, the fears seem senseless.

College was exhausting, we started with combined journalism, followed by history and then a seminar on current political affairs.

"Come on let's go" Misha said dragging me along.

"Where are we going?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"You ask too many questions"

I shook my head and followed her. We rode her bike to the most beautiful point I have ever seen. We were on a cliff that looked off to plush green hills. There were multiple cars parked there, couples making out and families eating from stalls.

"No we are not here to eat," she said and took me to one of the ticket counters, "two rapling tickets please"

"Make that three" a voice said and we both turned to look at kabir.

"Hi k" an exaggerated voice said and we all looked at T. "I will be joining you guys."

"Kabir you brought your garbage" Misha taunted and T rolled her eyes.

"That will be 300 bucks" the counter person said.

"Misha I can't." I said and she ignored me, paying before I could stop her.
10 minutes later we were dangling from the cliff with the harness secure at my waist.

"Did it hurt?" Kabur began as I tested my rope. "When you fell from heaven, because you look like an angel." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Did it hurt when your mother dropped you on your head, because you sound crazy." I replied and Misha burst into a fit of laughter.

"Casanova meets his match" she shorted and kabir shook his head.

I looked down abd immediately realised it was a mistake. "Whoa" i said and closed my eyes.

It took a few minutes for Kabir to convince me to open my eyes, and then they started bickering. Amoung their shouts, the snap of a breaking rope got lost.

Unable to scream, I grabbed at the closest thing, Kabir. He yelped and looked down at me hanging from his jacket and panic hit his face. Misha and T screamed.

Let go. A voice said in my head. I'll catch you.

My gloves on Kabir's jacket was slipping anyway. I took a deep breath and released my grip.

The fall probably took a few seconds but it felt like hours, people say you get a flash of your whole life as you are about to die, me, I only saw the afternoon sky. I wasn't numb, I could feel my heart thudding in my chest, i could feel the air rush past me and I could hear their screams. And then I fell through the leafs and branches and my eyes finally closed.

I felt the sting on my arms and legs. And then the warmth of a body. My impact stung but at least I was alive. I inhaled his scent and my mind went numb. I stopped breathing.


I was home.

My eyes flew open and I gasped. It was dark, and all I could see were his eyes. Light grey, and yet you could see the storm brewing behind them.

He put me down on my feet and without a word, without a backward glance, walked away.

It was then I registered the shouts.

And a moment later, Kabir was lifting me in his arms, I wanted to tell him not to do that, that his arms didn't feel right, but I was numb with fear.

The next time I regained consciousness, I was in misha's guest room with an IV attatched to my arm.

"Mom she's awake" a voice yelled and I groaned. They lifted up my head and made me drink water, which was a huge relief.

"How are you alive?" Misha asked and her mother sushed her.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I... I feel fine." I said and she nodded. "Where is he?"

"Who Kabir?" Misha asked and i shook my head.

"The guy that saved my life."

"Babe there was no one there, the leaf pile broke your fall after the tree line did all that." I nodded and sat up.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to scare you all." I said turning red and her mother scolded me again. They all left, only Misha stayed.

"Thank god you are okay, that would have completely spoiled dad's birthday party. You okay enough for college?"

"College" I asked looking at the clock.

"Yeah you kind of went catatonic." She said munching on some chips "The doctor said you are physically fine and need to rest but you wouldn't sleep or move, he gave you a sedative, not to mention the reporters, T pulled a classic T move and told the media about you surviving a fall, they tried to get pictures but Danish and Kabir scared them away."


I went in my washroom to bathe and get changed and gasped as I looked at my back. A strip of bruise ran straight across my back and then a print of a palm on my arm. I looked at my leg and found the other hands print. Someone was there.

It was going to be a full sleeve week.

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