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Pia's pov.

It was night time when I came to, the pain in my arms and legs told me it had been more than a day, I was only wearing a white shirt, the pain at my lower abdomen made me want to cry.

"Sleeping beauty awakes." A strangly familiar voice said and it felt like i was looking in a mirror. Only she wasn't firm, she kept flickering, like a bad signal tv.

A ghost.

"Put her back to sleep, we still have a few hours" she said turning a away from me, "after you have your fun if you want to." She said and I closed me eyes, not knowing how to react.

"Wait." I said a second later, "please, water." I rasped. She snapped her fingers and a bottle appeared in front of my lips, Siddharth, he tilted it in my mouth and I chugged the entire bottle.

"No need for you to suffer any more than you have to." Maithali said. Sitting down on the chair in front of me, "that is why I have him put you to sleep, I get bored sometimes so I make him drink from you, I hope you don't mind."

She checked her nails.

I didn't reply.

"You are going to die anyway so let's chat Pia." She said perkily. "Which brother do you like better?"

"I don't know Maithali," I said my voice full of sarcasm. "Perhaps the one that didn't help you put me in this chair." She laughed.

"She's is funny babe, I give you that." She said to the darkness, there was no reply. "I wish you were born a few centuries earlier," she said. "I always wanted a sister, would have made all the rapes easier to bear." I gave her a shocked look "What? my father was an asshole, he loved trading things for favours, anyway, think about it, we would have taken one brother each, Abhay for me and Siddharth for you, We would have exchanged them sometimes. They both do like you, especially abhay, they just need me more, but that's the topic for another day."

"I prefer Abhay." I said humouring her.

"But you just said you wanted the one that didn't help me" she taunted and i stared at her, she began laughing.

"Told you she was too dumb." Abhay's voice said out of the darkness.

I didn't say anything for a while.

"You thought," abhay said coming out of the darkness, "that I wouldn't have run a background check on you the moment I saw you, I knew who your father was, I knew you were Chand's decendant, killing you immediately would have raised a lot of brows. I needed everyones trust when it came to you." He paused, letting it all sink in.

"Not to mention I had to get everything in place, I had to revive her ghost, I needed a vampire to change you, I never told you how we do that did I? We transfer all the blood from one body to another, they both go into deep deep sleep for a few days and then you have two vampires, the last time I fell asleep, Siddharth killed her, not doing that again. So I called him here from US, told him where to find you, his ego did the rest. You both are perfect for each other." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Look at her." He said. Reaching out to Maithali, there was real pain in his voice. "She isn't even here, I need her to be alive Pia, none of the other bodies were compatible enough, but her own...." He trailed off suggestively.

"time for you to sleep, and me to experience this one last time."

I looked away, disgusted, he paused. "Now that I think of it." He said moving my hair away from my neck. "I will miss the taste." He bit in.

When it all ended, i threw up on the side of the bed, he made a face.

"How are you controlling him?" I asked as Siddharth got me water.

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