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Pia's pov

Much to my surprise, Kabir and I survived. It took him a while to understand that I hated his expensive gifts and liked his little gestures more but he eventually got there.

The only one unhappy with this was T, she left no chance to insult me and made every move she could on Kabir, and much to my delight he never slipped.

Life was normal, there were no more than two fainting spells in the next one month.

Panchi and Danish decided to get engaged, which her parents didn't allow, which led to a huge fight.

I would spend no more than three days in a row at the hostle before Misha would drag me back to her place, after the fifth time, the matron stopped asking.

When I asked her why she said she just thought I belonged at her place. The thought scared me. My father was their father, and he had no idea who I was. My mother's passing day came and I spent the day locked in my room, crying. There was tension in Dobriyal mansion for five days after that day.

"What is wrong with everyone?" Misha yelled. "Mom and dad are upset, Pia is upset. It's like you are their daughter and not us, upset family."

Misha's uncanny observation was scary as hell.

And then came Misha's birthday.

"T called me an ugly faggot the other day, time to take revenge." She said wickedly and approached T.

"Hi T, since you used to come un invited to my birthdays when we were young, I decided to invite you this time." She said snidely.

"You think I want to come?"

"It's your choice, we have been fighting for too long, bad times come and go but you stay, so if you want to come, it's Halloween theamed, and the one with scariest make up gets a make up kit from my mum."

T paused. "Which one?"

"L'oreal" Misha replied.

"If you insist i will be there." T said and strutted away.

I looked at her in confusion. "There is no theame" she explained and I snickered.

"Abhay Raichand" the teacher announced as she was distributing our assignments. My hands clenched and I looked down.

He had disappeared the day of Kabir's birthday, it's been almost a month. His parents were still here. I wanted to go and check up on him but word travelled too fast here, I didn't want to upset Misha and Kabir.

And I saw him every night, in my dreams. He wouldn't say much, just sleep next to me, holding me close. Or we would be in a castle, stealing glances across the hall, hiding from someone.

I tried getting in trouble once, because he would always appear to save me, all it got me was a huge lecture from the entire family about driving a bike.

I pointed it out that Misha rode one all the time and they told me Misha wasn't an accident magnet, which made them all pause and look at each other before they burst out laughing.

The party was in full swing when Misha turned the music down.

"Okay everyone, phones out, you don't want to miss this," and then she turned the music to some scary techno. We all gathered around the gate and waited patiently.

The door burst open and in came three witches, complete with moles and fake hairs, just to make the best impression, she laughed maniacally.

She cut off as she saw us all, holding our phones out.

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