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Two days later the five of us were in dehradun. Three locations were decided.

"Misha is a human," Jay said obviously, "you are the strongest, you take her," he told siddharth and siddharth let him lead this one "Kartik and Neel can go, i'll take the hunter."

"I get what you meant." Misha told me. "Complete asshole."

"He's kind of right." I said. And Siddharth nodded unhappily.

"Are we sure they are-"

"Yes Siddharth, they are all alone," Misha said exasperated. "You give me that look again and I'll make a fur coat out of you." She told Neel without looking at him.

"Make the calls." Jay said ignoring their banter.

I nodded and took out my phone. I forced panic in my voice before calling kabir.

"Kabir... Where are you?"

"Pia what's wrong?"

"I can't walk kabir, i twisted my leg, Siddharth... He he was attacked by the wolves, i can't help him you have to help him." I continued rambling a while longer before telling him the location. Jay applauded silently.

I made similar calls to Panchi and dad.

"I can't beleive this is happening." Misha said as we left the house.

"Me neither." I said and i held onto her hand a while longer before we split ways.

Me and Jay took Kabir's location. Misha and Siddharth took Panchi's and the rest two took Dad.

Kabir arrived, looking worried. He glanced around before calling me. The second knot loosened in my stomach and I told him the situation. He didn't sound very happy.

I introduced him to Jay, they immediately hit it off with jokes about dating dead people as I waited anxiously.

Half an hour later, i received a text from misha.

"Panchi is clean." I told them and kabir placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me, I didn't receive a call from Neel and Kartik for another half an hour.

"Arnab Dobriyal!" Kartik snapped. "Your father is Arnab Dobriyal."

"What!" Jay said straightening up.

"We'll see you at the house." Kartik said and hung up.

"How do you know him?" I asked jay as we piled in the car.

"Arnab Dobriyal is a mutt, he was born a werewolf but never changed, the alpha's son to be exact, a scandal that was i tell you, they kicked him out after after he attacked his brother out of jealousy, he has been trying to get into one of the packs ever since."

Siddharth entered the house three minutes after we did and immediately reached for the whiskey.

"I can't fucking believe this." He said gulping it straight out of thr bottle. "Misha is stronger than most human males, he has a library with every book on vampires ever," another gulp, "and i am not talking about twilight," another gulp, "how could we have been so blind."

"Hey." Jay said, "it's not your fault, you don't know anything about our societies."

"Will someone tell us what the hell is going on." Misha snapped.

"Your father is a werewolf."

"Yeah right."

Misha said rolling her eyes.

"You want proof?" He said and misha shrugged. He held out a hand to me. "The blade." He said and i handed it to him. He motioned kabir to come forward and grabbed his hand, palm up. In one motion he placed a clean cut.

"Jay" i yelled but he raised a hand. Kabir was wincing.

"He is a human, the pain is bearable. Now," he said handing the blade to me, he showed me his hand and I shook my head, he rolled his eyes and and grabbed the blade, slicing his on arm. "Fuck." He said his eyes popping out."did not expect that." He grabbed a pillow from the sofa and screamed into it. I hid back a giggle.

Misha nervously grabbed the knife and placed a shallow cut in her palm.
"Fuck." She said shaking her hand, "fuck fuck fuck." She danced around.

"It can't be that bad." I said frowning and she stopped dancing long enough to cut my arm.

Fire crept through my vein and i almost screamed. I grabbed the second pillow and shoved my face in it.

"You want to try?" I heard her ask and a third cry started.

"Enough." Siddharth snapped. And i looked up from the pillow. "This is not a play thing-"

Misha slashed his arm before he could continue and we all started laughing as he let out a slew of curses.

"So does this make us some sort of cousins?" Panchi asked once the pain ebbed away.

"On the contrary," jay said popping a grape from the table in his mouth. "It makes us the most compatible for marriage."

I spat out my coffee but jay stood up before i could say anything.

"They are here."

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