One Year Later.

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Jennifer's POV.

"Jen..." Panchi said running behind me. "Stop," she said hyperventilating, I rolled my eyes and entered the local cafe.

"Hey billy." I said and the owners son smiled at me. "Two latte's to go please."

"...Turn of events, the young business man Siddharth singh has gone missing from his appartment...." The news anchor was saying in the TV. There was a picture of a handsome face beside the woman.

"Billy can you turn that up?" I asked and he did so.

The door opened and panchi walked in.
"You could have slowed..." She stopped as she saw me looking at the tv.

"The assistant says he had left a month ago but had a habit of disappearing so she did not raise an alarm, however when he didn't show up she tried the emergency contact. Siddharth was last seen in new york for his meeting with indian businessman chand raichand and his wife, both have also not been seen since the incidence...."

I kept staring at the TV, hypnotised by Siddharths face, he disappeared from here.

"We are going home." Panchi said suddenly.

"I know." I said, we were almost done with the packing and donating, it was time to go back "home." I had no idea what that looked like.

A year ago i had woken up from a mild accident that had somehow caused amnesia, causing me to forget one year of my life. Surprisingly, i had a family and was back to using my birth name, my father was there.

They said i had hit my head a few hours ago on our way to airport, me and panchi were going to new york, me for an exchange student programme and panchi for a gap year between work.

Panchi however did not understand the meaning of gap year, she joined the first company she could.

Now one year later, she really was my sister, our term here was up and we were going back home.

"No." She said not meeting my eyes, "our flight is in an hour, dad said he wanted us back in time for mom's birthday."

"Okay." I said and we both rushed back, we picked up the essentials, leaving the rest to be sent over by the staff.

The flight was long and tiring, which was made worse by our parents not being present at the the airport to pick us up.

"Pia" a voice said and we both turned. A brown haired well built guy stood there with a bunch of flowers and the sweetest smile I had ever seen.

"Kabir" panchi prompted.

"Kabir." I said returning the smile, he came forward, hugged me and pecked my cheeks, I flinched.

"Sorry" he said. "Habbit," he handed me the flowers. "Your parents are busy with the prep so they sent me here."
He didn't say anything as we drove home, giving me space, i twisted my hands nervously, i had only talked to my mother and other sister on call. My father i had talked to only twice when he visited.

"It's going to be okay jenny" panchi said turning back to lok at me. i nodded. She let me be for a few minutes before she asked me the question.

"Anything?" She asked.

I shook my head.

The party was horrible. Misha stood by my side all night, which was a huge comfort, un known people came and tried to talk to me, which got tiring after the 5th person. Misha introduced me to only two, angad and ruhi, who had been trained to not bother me.

"I'll go get some fresh air." I said one hour into the party.

"Pia wait." Misha said and i stopped walking. She was the only one that called me pia, and i liked that name better. She handed me a small box, i opened it and smiled.

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