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Abhay's POV

"They are confused" Misha said as she helped her sit up in the hospital room. "They said it was caused by sudden fall in you blood pressure, they have no idea why, kabir went crazy and had them run a thousand tests, all came out normal. Thank god Abhay was leaving to take a call just then, it would have been a nightmare had you hit your head."

The story had worked then. I stood a floor above the room Pia was in, I could hear her heart beat it's steady rythm. Something deep inside me calmed down as I focused on it.

Your mother is very angry, Chand said in my head. why would you risk everything for that one girl.

It's 7th October. I replied

You don't mean...

I don't know how, but it's the same day, and the timing was exact could hear her heart slow down. Fear coursed through my veins as I remembered the feeling, I couldn't loose her now, not when there was finally a chance I could be with her.

I will ask the elders about this. Chand said reluctantly.

No. I don't want any attention on her, not from our council, Siddharth will come running the moment he hears about this.

Siddharth wouldn't hesitate before planning something sinister.

"You okay?" It was Kabir this time, "you scared us, twice in a week, i should have done a medical course if i want to keep you alive."

"Bold of you to assume you would have been good enough to get in." She joked back.

They joked a while longer and I waited patiently, then I heard the door open and close.

"I know you are listening" shocked I glared at the floor, somehow she always knew, to this day I have no idea how she figured out my listing abilities, and why she kept quiet about it.

"Thank you, again, I have lost count of how many times you have saved my life." She paused and my heart squeezed."I don't know why you hate me as much as you do, but if for one second you believe I will not get to the bottom of this, you are wrong."

I cursed out loud and moved down to her floor, Kabir moved forward to block my way.

"Why are you here?" He asked and i wanted to laugh, stupid human.

"I need to talk to her." I said moving around him

"You already did." He said and blocked my path again.

"What are you talking about?" Misha asked and he explained to her what I had said in the bathroom.

"If you are done" I said and moved around him again.

"Why don't we ask her if she wants to see you?" I paused a smirk forming on my face. I motioned him to go in and he did.

"Abhay Raichand is here." He said, "said he wants to talk to you."

"He can go fuck himself."

For the first time in past two centuries, my mouth dropped open.

I heard his snicker followed by what sounded like a kiss. "I am proud of you." Not waiting for him to come out, I left.

And Misha blocked my way.

"Jesus Christ" I said, I was jumped upon by a human, what was the world coming to. I paused that train of thought and went back a few seconds, the Dobriyals were sure a strange family.

Arnab Dobriyal had a library that would give any vampire a heart attack. Last I checked he even had a Vikaschandran, not that anyone alive could read it anymore. Which was sad, we needed all the help we could get. i made a mental note to check upon their bloodline.

I am leaving for a while I thought to Haseena.

Good decision. She dismissed me. Careful with the council, they are getting restless. I got the message, check the situation.

The next one month passed in a blur and at the same time, achingly slow, i spent it in America, looking for Siddharth, it has been over a decade since I last visited him.

"I thought you died." I heard him say and turned back to find him lounging on my bed.

"Same." I said and he hugged me, he checked me for injuries and I did the same, nothing much could hurt us except our own kind. "How many did you provoke this time?" I asked as i found new scars on his arm.

"Just two."

"That's good seeing it's you we are talking about." I paused for a while. "You need to be more careful brother, the council is not asleep anymore, they will have our heads if they know what we are doing." He nodded, taking a sip of his mango juice. I rolled my eyes and he ignored me, he loved hanging on to human habits.

"How are the creators?"

"They are good, we took our own names this time."

We spent the next two days together, hunting and catching up.

"Brother you forgot your shir-" he stopped speaking and I froze, Pia, her smell, here.

"Well well well." He picked up the hair and smelled it. "You saved her hair brother, how romantic."

I hid my confusion by looking angry.

"Maithali was one lucky girl, two men, fighting over her, she's gone brother, she fucked us up and died, there is no use remembering her."

And with that he tossed the hair in the fire, he tossed the shirt back to me and I inhaled its scent, before tossing it in the fire, he gave me an amused look. I turned to leave but stopped as something struck me.

"You met her after we were awakened." I said and he didn't answer, just smiled sadly.

"She had to die brother, she was a psycho, she wanted both of us and she wanted to kill our human parents because she thought the news of our deaths would be too much for them."

For the first time after turning into a vampire, for the first time after watching the lifeless body of the woman we loved, I truly wanted to kill him. Before I could start a fight, I left, there was only one place I could find peace in, and that's where I went.

She was asleep when I reached dehradun, I sat at the end of her bed and looked at her. She smelled of alcohol, my brows furrowed and I listened around the town, it was Misha's birthday today, panchi had dropped her here half an hour ago.

"You are back again" she whispered and I felt like my heart was thudding in my chest, "I need to stop dreaming about you," she said and sat up, I smiled at her and she inhaled sharply. I let her pull my shirt and moved along with her, she made me lie down beside her and curled up against me.

"I wish the real you was more like this" she mumbled against my chest.

"Like this?" I asked stroking her hair.

"Not hateful."

"I don't hate you" I sighed and kissed her forehead, it made me feel things i hadn't felt in years.

"Stay" she commanded and I nodded. She pulled at my shirt and again I let her lead me to her lips. I placed a hand on the back of her waist and pulled her closer.

She kissed me for a few seconds and fell asleep again. I stared at her for a few minutes and quietly left.

I knew I was inviting trouble by paying so much attention to her, i needed to stay away from her.

You are back mother thought to me as i entered the house. How is he?

Psycho as usual, i replied. calmed down a bit, only two new ones from last time, and he told me he was the one who killed Maithali.

You left him alive? She asked surprised.

He is my brother, she was a psycho and she is dead. This was the first time I had acknowledged that Maithali was a psycho and both of us knew whose effect this was.

She will be the end of you.

I will gladly end this existence for her. I thought back surprising myself more than her, the next second I heard a crash as she punched a hole through the wall.

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