The Meeting.

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Every one turned to stare at me the moment i entered college. Even T stopped being a bitch for a moment to ask me if i was okay. Which was ruined the next moment when she made fun of my jacket.

"Good morning class" the teacher said as she put her stuff on the table. "It's a combined class today so you have your seniors here. The twenty of you will be divided into groups of four and you will have a magazine ready by the end of two weeks. And i mean a complete magzine. This will work as your assessment to know where you stand and what you need to work on." Now the seniors will introduce themselves followed by the juniors.

"My name is Nivedita gupta."

"I am Kabir sigh Rathore and I am the drama club junior president and the vollyball team captain, so if you are interested in either you can contact me." After saying that he made an eye contact and winked.

"I am T, that's what you all will address me as. Drama club junior president, best actress award, best dressed award, best smile award"

"Zero brains award" Misha whispered loudly and the class snickered.

The door opened right then and a guy walked in, it was the guy from yesterday, the one with glasses and dressed in all black.

"I am sorry I am late, the car broke down" he said, not sounding sorry at all.

The entire class was silent, then the whispering started.

"Oh my god he's so hot" one girl said.

"Who is he?"

"Looks filthy rich to me"

Why doesn't he take off his glasses?"

The last one caught the teachers attention and she mentioned it to him.

"I have a light sensitivity issue, too much light gives me a headache, I will get you the prescription if you want to" he said and without another word, sat down in the empty desk at the back of the class.

The class got back in the flow awakwardly and then it was the juniors turn to introduce themselves. Most of them already knew each other from school.

"I am Abhay riachand" the guy said and every girl collectively breathed in. I could immediately hear the phone taps as people began looking him up on Instagram and Facebook.

And then it was my turn.

"I am Piya jaiswal."

"And I am the poor charity case," T whispered.

"At least I don't survive on Two brain cells." I retorted and the class oohed. I turned back and met T's stare head on.

"You have two days to choose the topic and select the teams. Seniors i am warning you, any complains of ragging and you can kiss your finals bye bye."

Kabir choose Misha, me, a girl named ruhi and a guy named angad. The teacher wished me luck when she saw my team and left the class.

"Abhay will be in my team" T said and we rolled our eyes, Abhay did not say anything just gave a tiny nod, she handed him her phone and told him to type in his digits.

"You are new in town right?" Another small nod, "I could show you around"

Abhay shook his head.

"Oh come on, you have-"

"Get your filthy hands off me" he whispered the words but I heard them loud and clear. So did the rest of the class. Embarrassed, T left.

A random girl approached me, "the matron told me to tell you that the room is ready and you will be living with two seniors."

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