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After the whole battle and fire alarm thing, we were all pulled into the gym for an assembly about it. We all piled up on the bleachers. I ended up sitting Cyrus's little gang and Clay.
Clay sat to the right of me with Tony next to him and Kenzie to the left of me with Tyler next to her, Cyrus next to him and the rest of their gang followed.
The jocks were all at the top and we were only a row in front of them. Monty sat just to the left of me with Scott and Bryce by his side.

"You okay?" I asked clay as we both took a seat.
Clay nodded.
"You don't look okay." I told him.
He had a black eye and looked like he was going to pass out at any time. He also had a few cuts on his knuckles.
"I'm fine." He told me.
I nodded my head in response. "Okay. But if you need an aspirin-." I start getting them out of my bag and showing him them as he snatched them out of my hand.
"You're truly the best." He told me gulping down one of the tablets with his water.
"You don't have anything in there for bust lips as well do you?" Tony asks me.
I grinned at him. "Um... I've got... Oh wait I have an anti-Semitic wipe." I tell him pulling it out of my bag.
He smiles at me. "Clays right. You're the best." He laughs.
"I'll take that. Means a lot coming from Tony Padilla." I smile and him and clay laughs.

"Aw look. How sweet. Emily's got two boyfriends. The guy that's in love with a dead girl, and the faggot." Bryce laughs.
I turn around.
"Shut up Bryce. They're just friends." Monty defends us.
I smile at him. His face stays as Sturm as it looked before.

"What the hell was that!?" Bryce asked my brother whisper shouting
"Maybe he's as sick as your shit as the rest of us." Cyrus pipes up.
"Who the fuck asked for your opinion?" Bryce's voice boomed over to him.
"No body." Cyrus shrugged and turned around.
"No you little shit. Don't turn your back on me!" Bryce tells him grabbing onto his shoulder and spinning Jim around.
Monty drags him of off him. "You don't get to speak to my sister like that or about her like that." Monty tells Bryce. "Even I don't speak to her that way and if I don't let our father get away with it, I for sure won't let you get away with it. Just leave her and her little friends alone. Of she wants to hang out with a load of weirdos, then let her. It's her choice and we can't tell her what to do." Monty tells him. Everyone seems taken aback by that. Monty just stood up for me. To the next biggest jerk in the school.

I mouthed a 'thank you.' to him, as the principle started to speak. He nodded at me and face me a slight smile. I turned around and sat there, as silent as everyone else.

"So." The principle started. "I don't know what came over a lot of people." He stopped. "As well as two of our staff members." He sighed. "But the events of what happened earlier this morning, was absolutely outrages!" He says raising his voice slightly, making a few people to jump in their seats. Me being one of them.

"You okay?" Kenzie asks me.
"Y-yeah. Totally." I say smiling at her.
She smiles back at me, and our gazes go back to the principle.
"The consequences of this, will be that our baseball team will not be playing tonight. The game will be cancelled untill next week." The principle spoke.

There was a few sighs and annoyed grunts from a few students. Especially the jocks.

"I know a few of you will be very disappointed with this difficult decision, but I hope you all understand why I have done this. It only makes sense, that I punish all you, as many of you will be playing the game and watching it. But if you all have good attitudes up to Wednesday and there isn't another fight, I may reconsider letting you start playing again Wednesday." He tells us all.

Well I guess that isn't that bad.
Though, Monty isn't going to be very happy. And with all the jocks not doing anything till Wednesday, or possibly next week... They're going to be very bored.

As the principle finished, everyone began to head out of the gym and made their way home. The school day finished earlier today after what had happened. There was a lot of mess on the corridor on which it happened on, so that all needed to be tidied. Then there was everyone involved in the fight. They were definitely not stable enough to start lesson again. Especially Cyrus. Poor guy. Plus it was also a bit of a safety procedure. If another fight broke out in class... I doubt it'll be stoped by Courtney pulling another fire alarm.

"Hey Em. Wanna stay at my house?" Kenzie asked me as we started to leave the gym.
"Yeah if it's okay?" I ask her.
"Yeah it's fine. My dad's not gunna be back untill tomorrow, because he's got something to do with work on." She told me.
"Yeah. Sure I'll stay. Not like I really have home to go to anymore anyways." I laugh as we walk out into the car park.
"What you mean?" Kenzie asks me with concern filling her eyes.

"Hey Em!" Tony shouted over to me waving, indicating he wanted me to go over to him.
"I- I'll be back in a sec." I told Kenzie.
She smiles at me as I walked over to Tony.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked him.
"You know those tapes..." Tony started.
I nodded. "The ones Hannah left." I said.
"What about them?" I asked him.
"Can you come to my house with me? I've got something to show you." He asks me.
"Erm. I..." I look back at Kenzie.
She was talking to Cyrus and Tyler.
"I was going to stay at Kenzies house tonight..."
"Please. You don't have to stay. You can go to hers after it's just really important. Please Em." Tony begged me.
Clay was now also looking worried. He'd already agreed to go to Tony's with him.
I nodded. "I'll go over to Kenzie and tell her I'll head over to her house in a bit." I tell him.
"Thank you so so much!" Tony hugged me.
"No problem Yoda." I laughed and he glared at me. Clay also started to laugh whilst patting Tony's head.
"Oh. Will you give me a lift to Kenzies?" I ask him.
"Sure." He says.
"Thank you. I'll go and tell Kenzie now. I hope she's okay with it." I say heading over to her.

Tony and clay stay stood at Tony's car as I walked over to them.

"Hey Kenz."
"Hey Em. Ready to go?" She asked me.
"Um... Well... Something's happened. Erm Tony wants me and Clay to go round to his house. It's a family thing... Is it okay if Tony drops me round at yours later on? And I'll text you when I'm heading up." I ask her.
She nods and gives me a smile. "Sure. But don't forget."
"Thank you." I say mentally sighing whilst hugging her.
"Sure thing. But don't think you can do this all the time. Under the condition that it's a family problem I'll let you go. But... Don't be letting your boyfriend steal you away from me all the time!" She laughs.
"Oh ha ha ha. He's not my boyfriend. Neither is clay. Anyways... Tony's gay." I laugh.

I see Cyrus let out a deep breath. Like he'd been holding it and didn't notice.

"You okay Cy?" Kenzie asks her brother, obviously noticing as well.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm good. Peachy." He smiles at us both.
I smile back and so does Kenzie.

"Okay well I'm gunna have to go. See you later!" I tell them.
"Yeah text when you're on your way!" Kenzie tells me.
"I will!" I call over to her.


It is so obvious that my brother has a crush on Emily. He's just being totally oblivious towards it. So is Emily. I mean, even Tyler's noticed and he's oblivious to everything. I think Emily will be good for Cy. He's never had a girlfriend before or liked anyone before and I really like Em. I think she'd be so good for my brother. Especially after the hard times he's been having. He finally needs something good in his life.

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