❦ Chapter 89 ❦

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Kim Taehyung

I realised, that I was more than addicted to Jeongguk, during the probably three cruellest weeks in which I was separated from him and where we both completely ignored each other. Exactly this pain, namely lovesickness, I wanted to avoid when he refused to have a relationship, which is why I stayed with him.

But now, there was an overwhelming silence between us after he slapped my poor face. Even in our class, we didn't look at each other, didn't talk to each other and didn't write each other those small notes, as we had done before.

I just wanted it to stop. I wanted this shitty pain to stop.

Why did you always have to suffer when your heart demanded for someone who had hurt you? Why couldn't you just switch off your feelings when they were too much to handle for your poor heart?

My biggest wish was to travel back in time when I didn't have such problems like crying for hours in the evening because I had looked up the chat between Jeongguk and me - just because I was frustrated.

Never would I thought that not only my heart but my whole body longed for Jeongguk and that everything inside of me would hurt if he wasn't with me. Or was avoiding me... Hating me... Not loving me...

"Hey Taehyung~", the loud voice of BamBam, a guy who had the music class lectures with me and Jeongguk, torn me out of my thoughts, so I looked up at him quite frightened and then crossed my slim arms in front of my chest.

Why did everyone have to scare me always? And why was it so easy to scare me?

"What do you want, BamBam?", I asked with a bad tempered voice and turned around to my locker to place some books there, since I didn't need them for my next lesson. The last class was cancelled, so I was allowed to go home earlier. Actually quite shitty for me, because I would start crying at home again.

Just like every day without my Jeongguk...

"Oh, you just look so upset lately. As if something had been bothering you. So I thought that we could go home together or maybe meet each other, so you might get other thoughts and be as happy as at the beginning of the year! What do you think~?", BamBam grinned broadly and bobbed excitedly from one foot to the other.

He has always been a happy personality, who even wore designer clothes of expensive brands and looked like he was going to a fashion week in Seoul, when he took out the garbage garbage. But he was actually quite friendly and nice towards anyone.

"I don't think so... I'm really sorry, BamBam", I disagreed and immediately felt bad when BamBam let his mouth corners sink down, quite disappointed. I would love to accept his offer, but I knew very well that if I heard or saw anything that reminded me of Jeongguk, I would most likely start crying.

And I didn't want to do that in front of him. To be honest, I didn't want anyone to be around me, I just wanted to deal with my current problems. It was really nice of him to care about me and want to do such nice things with me, but I would certainly pull the whole mood down.

"Ouh...", he murmured and then chewed briefly on his lower lip, as if he was thinking about something. But suddenly, he smiled again and put his arm on my shoulder, which surprised me and let me widen my chocolate brown eyes.
I hadn't thought that he would look happy again so quickly.

"Well, if you don't want to do anything with me, what would you think if we both walk home together now? A little chat and all of those stuff. Maybe I can make you smile again", he suggested, which made me sigh.

BamBam has always been a person who clung to something and wasn't easily persuaded to do something else. It was actually meant to be nice, but I really didn't want his near.

"BamBam... That is really friendly from you, but I'm not in the mood right now. Maybe we can do that later, I promise. But not now", I pushed his arm off my shoulder with a shy smile and was about to bow down to say goodbye, but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. Still trying to persuade me to do something with him.

Slowly, he came closer and that made me quite nervous. I didn't want him to be so close to me...

"BamBam, no! I said that I don't want to do something with you!", I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him away from me, but I didn't succeed. Just like with Jeongguk...

"Come on, Taehyung", he said and grinned broadly, "What's wrong with doing something together?"

Tears came up in me when I realized that once again, I was too weak to defend myself. Normally, Jeongguk would have come to my aid, but I was now on my own.

Jeongguk would never appear again to save me from other people who wanted to harm me...

But before I returned anything and continued to defend myself against BamBam, I felt two strong, big hands on my narrow hip. Shortly afterwards, I was pulled away from BamBam, before I was pressed against a muscular chest and two arms wrapped around me in protection.

My eyes widened as the masculine scent enveloped me, which I already knew too well and had longed for for weeks. Tears of joy fell down my cheeks.

"Don't touch anything that belongs to me, BamBam."

• ────── ✾ ────── •

Author's note: It's not the best chapter, but I don't feel well today 😟😣
But I wanted to update a new chapter for you, my sweet dreamers, since you enjoy the storyline so much ✨♥️💕
Thank you so much for reading! I'm going to sleep again, love you ✨❤️
[Not corrected yet]

~ ggukstaee 🌺

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