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Thank you for all the readers who read my stories, voted it and left your comments and thank you for all of my followers....

Let me start the story....

It is a bright morning where sun rises giving break to moon. The crispy sound of birds gives a pleasant feeling in the mind of people. Everyone were cuddling and sleeping peacefully were as the roads were free with less people. It is the only day when people would sleep and wake up without any tension. Yes it is Sunday.

When we enter into a particular house, we can see a beautiful girl sleeping peacefully covering herself with blanket. Her sleep gets disturbed with sun light which kissed her to wake her up. Lazily, she wakes up and stretches her hands in air. She looks around and finds herself alone in the room. In the side table, she found a note. She took it and reads.


Good morning dear

Sorry for not giving your morning gift. Having an important work in my office. I will return as soon as possible. BYE LOVE YOU...


Your Hubby.....

She took the photo in the side table and kissed it deeply. 

Signing, she gets up and took a shower and came out dressing herself with casual cloths. She went to kitchen. When she entered the kitchen, she saw an another note.


Hi darling

                 Actually I don't want to go to office today. I just want to spend some quality time with my wiffy, but my fate I want to go. I MISS YOU AND I LOVE YOU....


Your Hubby.....

She chuckles reading it. 

After making coffee for herself, she came to her room and sat on the study table chair. There again she noticed an another  note. 


What about going out somewhere today? I will come soon. Decide the place and be ready. LOVE YOU...


Your Hubby

She thinks: He knows well how to calm me. His mind is only here then..... then why he has to go.... (She took his photo in her hands) why you went that too this early? I have got addicted to you because of your over pamper. I cannot do anything now without you. Come soon.....

She closed her eyes recollecting the memories of her love story....


It was a pleasant morning. We can see her sleeping peacefully sleeping in her bed. Her sleep got disturbed by her father's voice.

Her father: Pragya.... Get up princess, you want to go to college na... Get up...

Pragya sleepily: Papa, let me sleep for sometime... Where is my bed coffee?

Neil: I bought it for you ok. Now get up darling. Common....

Pragya gets up rubbing her eyes and smiles seeing her father...

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