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Thank you for all the readers who read my stories, voted it, and left your comments and thank you for all of my followers...

Very very sorry for coming late...

Let me continue the story

On that Night

Pragya was arranging her bed to sleep when she heard her mobile's message sound. Her lips curved to a smile, seeing the message.

***Messages are in bold italics***

Abhi: Going to sleep?

Pragya: Han, arranging my bed.

Abhi: Super.

Pragya: Didn't you sleep?

Abhi: Actually, today I became friends with a most beautiful girl. That's why I didn't get sleep.

Unknowingly, Pragya's cheeks became red reading the message. She sat on the bed, continuing to chat.

Pragya: Don't you think that you are flirting a lot?

Abhi chuckled, seeing the message.

Abhi: I don't know why, but whenever I see a beautiful girl, I would start to flirt. Manufacturing defect.

Pragya laughed, seeing the message.

Pragya: I'm beautiful?

Abhi: You know the answer. Didn't anyone say you?

Pragya: No

Pragya typed, remembering Adithya.

Abhi: Then, they are blind. No one can deny the truth that you are beautiful.

Pragya smiled, seeing the message.

Abhi: Did anyone proposed you?

Pragya remembered Anjaan's messages, seeing Abhi's message.

Pragya: Han. He is the one who always used to say that I'm beautiful. But I have never seen him.

Abhi: Didn't you have the curiosity to meet him?

Pragya thought for a while, whereas Abhi was waiting for her message eagerly.

Pragya: Hum... Ya, I want to know who is that person who loved me in the messages itself.

Abhi can't stop himself from laughing, seeing the message.

Pragya: You are distracting me from sleeping. Good night. Sweet dreams.

Pragya typed and lied down, whereas her lips curved to a smile, seeing the reply.

Abhi: Good night, beauty.

Abhi kept his phone and smiled.

Next Morning

Pragya came to the company along with Purab. When she entered, her eyes started to search for Abhi.

Purab: I feel jealous of him.

Pragya: What?


Pragya: Of whom?

Pragya asked with a confused face.

Purab: Of that new Mentor. You both have become friends, and now you have forgotten your childhood friend. Now too, you are searching for him only na.

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