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After some days....

Pragya was sitting inside the class dreaming. Purab who got bored snapped her making her to come out of her thoughts.

Pragya: What Puru?

Purab: I'm feeling bored..

Pragya: What should I do for it?

Purab: Come lets bunk the class and go for a movie..

Pragya: Idiot....

Purab: Stupid...

Pragya: Dog...

Purab: Pig..

Pragya: How dare you call me a pig...

Purab: How dare you to call me a dog....

Both of them started to fight. Everyone stopped their work and stood for lecturer except Pragya and Purab who were engrossed in their fight. Lecturer who saw them fighting became angry...

Lecturer shouts: Pragya Purab out.....

Pragya came out fuming were as Purab came out with a victorious smile.

Purab: Pragya, before itself I said na lets bunk the class, see now ma'am itself sent us out. 

Pragya started to beat Purab with books. Purab started to run were as Pragya starts to chase him. The same two eyes saw her again with a smile.

Pragya and Purab went to the canteen..

Purab: Pragya you eat, let me check for tickets...

Pragya glares were as Purab giggles and went from there for ordering food. She was sitting with frustration because of missing her class.

Suddenly she felt a hit on her shoulders. She turned here and there and found a paper ball down.

She took it and searched the person throwed it. The secrete man immediately hides himself. She didn't mind the paper and throwed it were as he hits his forehead.

He again wrote something on the paper and throwed it to her. She again felt hit and found the paper down. She took it and saw Purab coming with food.

Pragya shouts: Purab......

Purab jerks hearing Pragya's voice.

Purab: What idiot?

Pragya: Someone is throwing paper on me....

Purab: Where it is?

Pragya have the paper ball the him were as he opened and read it...

Purab reads: Hi beauty...

Pragya's eyes gets wider hearing it.

Purab: I think he is pranking you...

Pragya: How you are saying?

Purab: Then who will call you as beauty....

Pragya glares at him...

Pragya: Don't speak too much then I will say that matter to Aaliya....

Purab: Which matter?

Pragya: Morning you were flirting with a girl na, that matter...

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