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When Abhi was nine years old

Pragya was sitting in the ground and eating her lunch along with her friends. Abhi pepped out of the nearby tree and watched her. When he noticed her turning towards his side, he immediately hides behind the tree. When he confirms that she is not looking at him, he would peep out of the tree and looks at her.

Like this, when he was staring at her, he felt someone tapping on his back. He shrugged the hand and continued to stare at her. Again he felt a hand on his back. Abhi, with irritating face, turned back. He gave a sheepish smile, seeing his friends standing there with a glare.

Vivan: What are you doing here?

Abhi thought for some time what to say.

Abhi: I was waiting for you both only.

Abhi said whereas they gave a deadly glare to him.

Arjun: Acha... You are the one who asked us to wait in the classroom. Now you are saying that you were waiting for us.

Abhi gave an "Ops" look.

Viva: Tell us the truth, or I will complain to your mother.

Abhi became panicked.

Abhi: Don't say to ma.

Arjun: Then tell us the truth.

Signing defeated, Abhi said the truth, whereas both the boys were looking at him with bewilder.

Arjun: Love?

Abhi: Yes

Abhi said blushing.

Vivan: But this is wrong, Abhi.

Abhi: Why?

Arjun: We are just in the third standard. How can we love?

Abhi: Nothing is wrong. I have decided. She is my wife.

Arjin and Vivan in chorus: Wife?

They asked with a shocking face.

Arjun: Who is she? Which grade is she studying?

Abhi: Her name is Pragya. She is studying her first grade here—a section.

Vivan: Hm...

Arjun: We will discuss other things later. I'm starving. Rats are running in my stomach. Come, let's eat and talk.

Arjun said, caressing his stomach, whereas Abhi and Vivan burst into a laugh. The trio went to their class, having a chat about Pragya. 

When Abhi was 17 years old.

Arjun and Vivan rushed towards the music class. In music class, Abhi was playing his guitar to his music teacher. After playing the guitar, his music teacher gave applause to him.

Music teacher: Wonderful Abhi.

Abhi: Thank You, sir...

Music teacher: Next week there is a function in our college, and I have referred your name for guitar playing to our Principal. Would you be able to participate?

Abhi: Sure, sir.

Abhi said excitedly.

Music Teacher: You have a beautiful life in music Abhi. Please don't stop it.

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