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Let me continue the story...

After that day, Abhi and Pragya became even more closer. Pragya's feelings about Abhi became even stronger. During their practice time, Pragya used to stare at Abhi without his knowledge. She used to admire him a lot but doesn't show it outside. Abhi and Pragya used to spend a lot of time with each other. Pragya finally realized that she loves Abhi, and she decided to propose him on their graduation day.

Before the graduation day night

Pragya called Purab.

Purab: Finally, madam got time to call me?

Pragya: Sorry yaar, I was just involved in...

Purab: Abhi

Pragya's cheek became red hearing Purab.

Pragya: Nothing like that.

Purab: Pragya, I know you from our childhood. So, don't lie to me.

Pragya tried to control her excitement, whereas Purab chuckled.

Pragya: What do you think about him?

Purab: What do you want me to think about him?

Pragya: Pls Purab...

Purab: Ok... He is a lovely guy. A good friend, a good companion and best life partner for you.

Pragya smiled, hearing him.

Pragya: I like him Purab.

Purab: Only like?

Pragya blushed.

Pragya: I love him.

Purab: Ahaa. So, finally, madam has fallen in love. I'm happy for you.

Pragya: Thank you...

Purab: When are you planning to propose him?

Pragya started to think, whereas Purab was waiting for her answer.

Pragya: Tomorrow.

Purab: Pragya, I want to give you an adviser.

Pragya: When have you became advisor Purab?

Pragya asked chuckling.

Purab: Hee, very funny. Now what I want to say is very serious.

Pragya: What's the matter yaar?

Purab: Don't delay in confessing. It is something that I have experienced. Now the situation is different. But tomorrow, it may change. You may lose the opportunity to confess your feeling. So, before anything could change, Propose him.

Pragya: Don't overthink Purab. Everything will be alright.

Pragya said casually.

Purab: Just remember whatever I said.

Pragya: Ok, now let me sleep. Good night.

Purab: Good night. Bye.

Pragya hung up the call and kept the phone aside. She lied on the bed and noticed the message on the phone.

***Messages are in bold italics***

Abhi: Excited?

Pragya: How do you now?

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