My Mate

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"My mate it..." 

"m-m-my mate is-s both of them." Aaron's jaw dropped . "How is that possible?" "I mean it is possible, it's just extremely rare... Wait a minute I know what this means..." "Well what does it mean?" "It means that i'm an alpha... But that's not what happens..." "Are you ok? Your eyes just went large." "Call a house meeting I will be down there in five minutes!" "Guys house meeting in five." Everybody was sitting on the couch when Colby came down stairs worried. "Yo dude you ok?" Corey asked. "No no not really, I need to tell you guys something before it's to late..." "Aaron could you explain for me?" "Sure thing dude." 

~After explaining, don't wanna bore you guys.~

"Well that's all I know." "Umm guys where are the camera's?" "It's not a prank look at his eyes and teeth." Sam said. "Now guy's as yo know every wolf has a mate, when the time comes..." "Well who's you mate?" Jake asked hesitant."Well its you and Sam... I know it's hard to believe. But  heres the dangerous part. That means that i am an alpha and theres only 10 in the world which means I'm a target for other packs. That's where you guys come in. It's to dangerous for you guys to live here with me. at least"

Just then there was a knock at the door. "I'm coming." Colby yelled.  When he opened the door it was Brennen. "I smell another alpha living here. Is their one here?" "Why yes Brennen there is, and its me." "Colby a word." Colby nodded and went outside. "Listen here bub, you tell no one about this." Brennen said as he pinned Colby to the ground. 

⚠️ Warning this might be a trigger warning ⚠️

"Yo dude get off m-" Brennen cut him off with a kiss. Colby squirmed trying to get out of his grip. "Now either you do what I say or I hurt your mates. Understand?" Colby stopped struggling and nodded. "Now you tell nobody about this conversation of ours or I will hurt you and your "mates." One more thing, this might hurt. Scream and you die." Brennen pulls a knife out of his pocket. "Stay still will you, or this will be worse." He held down Colby's arm and sliced it open, blood was gushing out. 'Don't scream, don't scream' Colby thought. "Good boy, now let us lift up that little shirt of your's." Brennen had lifted up Colby's shirt and sliced open his stomach. "Aaaah." "Colby its shut it will you! Their gonna hear us now, lets just." Brennen kissed Colby to shut him up. "Get off of me." Colby said as he kicked Brennen off of him. "I'm gonna let this slide one time, any other time you will be punished." Brennen got up and left. Colby couldn't move, but he needed to get inside. He crawled using his only good arm. Blood was gushing out of his stomach. He did his best to reach the door handle, he was just able to push the door open before, he had no more strength to move. The roommates came over and started question Colby. "Guys for goodness sake, help him before we ask questions!" Jake yelled.  Jake bursted through the roommates, who just ignored him. He picked Colby up bridal style. "Devyn go get some bandages. Sam go get something to rinse these cuts of with!" "And who made you in charge Jake?" Sam asked. "You know what you guys aren't helping Jake i'll be right back!" "Thank you Aaron. Sam you are literally his other  mate! Act like it! " Jake said starting to get heated. "Selfish mu-" Aaron cut him off. "Bring him over to the couch Jake, I know what to do! and quite frankly the rest of you disgust me right now. I also got some material they use to stitch people up. He's going to need stitches." 

~after the stitch Colby up~

"Thank you Aaron." "Yeah dude no problem." "The rest of the roommates had gone out, an-" Colby grumbled "Those weren't the roommates." "What?" "Those weren't the roommates. They were the other alphas, that's why they didn't help.They want me dead. They were hoping that I would bleed to death before you helped. They kidnapped our other roommates... I know where they are." 


So guys I need a little bit of a break. My mental health isn't very well right now. I'm not depressed or anything. But this might be my last chapter for a little bit. Sorry hope you have enjoyed the book. I'll write more chapters once my health improves. Also sorry about the cliffhanger

See you in a bit babes 

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