His mate

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Quick note: Thank you guys for over 300 reads. Anyway enjoy the chapter.


" "You see, since you guys are my mates, to end this I need to pick one. He is the only one that can choose. So who ever he lunges at will be my mate. The other won't be. But I will kill him right after he lunges." Brennen finally woke up. He waited for a few seconds before he lunges at...

Colbys POV

He lunges at Sam. 'Sam's my mate.' "Colby a little help here. " Colby turned into his wolf form. 

⚠️ This part contains violence ⚠️

Brennen was strong but Colby was stronger. Swing Brennen punch Colby in the stomach. Colby fell to the ground. Brennen lunged toward Sam and cut him in the stomach.  Blood gushing out. "SAM!" Colby yelled out. His alpha form finally coming out. His claws piercing threw Brennen's stomach. "He's finally dead." "Colby, Sam is not ok." Blood was gushing out of Sam's stomach. "Jake, go tell the rest of the pack to meet me at the closet hospital." "Yes, Sir." 

⚠️ Violence over ⚠️

"Sam stay with me." "Colby, i'm trying." Sam said before his eyes rolling back into his head. Colby picked up Sam bridal style and started running. He rushed into the emergency room. "I need help." Colby yelled as tears started rolling down his face. "Sir, what happened." "Someone stabbed him in the stomach. Before I answer anymore questions please just help him." "We will do our best." "Sir, May we ask you questions?" "Yeah sure." "Who stabbed him." "Brennen Taylor." "What happened to Brennen Taylor?" "He tried to kill me next so in self defense I had to kill him." "Oh ok. You won't go to jail, you will just get fined." "Ok, do you know how he is doing?" "He isn't doing very well. He is currently in a coma." "Do you know how long he will be in a coma for?" "A week at the most. We are not sure what will happen once he wakes up. Does he have any records of having amnesia?" "No, why." "He will remember very little once he wakes up. He seems to have hit his head." "Oh ok, do you know who he remembers? He will remeber Aaron Doh and Corey Scherer." "Oh ok, I will let them know."

Trap House group chat

Colby: Guys Sam is in a coma and...

Corey: And what?

Colby: He apparently won't remember anybody but Corey and Aaron. Could all of you come down here?

Elton: I can't at the moment. I have some business to take care of. But I will come down after that 

Colby: Ok, can everybody else come?

Everybody but Elton: Yeah.

~Back to Irl~

Colbys POV

I see all the roommates but Elton walk in. "Hey buddy, you holding up alright?" "No, Aaron. I'm not. H-he won't remember me. W-hat will." "Hey take a breath. He will remember you we just need to find out how to trigger his memory." "i'm going to see him. Can you guys stay out here?" "Yeah, bud let us know if you need anything."  

Colby walks to Sam's room. "Sam, I don't know if you can hear me or will remember me. But just know I love you, with all my heart. I will be here, no matter what, through thick and thin. Through the worst and best. Sam I love you." "Sir, who are you? And my names Sam?" "Yes, your name is Sam. My name is Colby... Your boyfriend." "Ew. Its not okay to be gay. Plus I would never date you." Colby's heart sank. His mate doesn't even remember him. "Alright, I'm going to get the doctor." Colby searched for the doctor. "Sir, Sam is awake." "Ok, thank you." Colby walked back into the waiting room. "Yo, dude what happened?" "To much Corey, to much. Sam woke up. He said it wasn't okay to be gay. And he wouldn't date me. I had to walk about before he could continue." "Dude, we will get through this." "Who's we? the rest of you guys? You dont know what its like to have somebody not remember you. I'm going home." "Dude he needs you." "Well it doesn't seem like it." "I will visit him tomorrow." "Alright." And with that Colby left.

Sam's POV

I see three grown men only two of which I recognize walk towards me. No, there four now. "Corey, Aaron who are the other two people with you?" "This is Elton." The one with the beard raised his hand. "And Jake." The one with the purple hair raised his hand. "Oh ok. Are they going to hurt me?" "No, these are friends. Do you remember Colby by any chance?" "No, who is he." "He is the guy who was in here when you woke up." "Oh, umm." "Excuse me visiting hours are over." "Oh sorry about that sir. We will get going. See you tomorrow Sam." "See yah." 

Colbys POV

Once I got home. I ran and locked myself in my room. There has got to be a way to trigger his memory. (The book is in italic) 

'Here' Repeat your name. "that won't work." Tell them a story. "That could work." kiss them. "I could try that, but he would probably push me away." "Colby, brother you need to eat." "I'm not hungry." "either you take this food willingly or I shove it down your throat." "Jesus Corey. Fine i'll eat." 

Sam's POV (Back in the hospital)

"Um sir you aren't my doctor." "Yeah, but they don't need to know that." "Get away from me." "Now, that's no way to treat your doctor now is it?" "You are not my doctor." "Sam, sweet Sam." 

Colbys POV

'I have a tingling version in my stomach. Somethings not right.' "Colby what is it. Are you worrying?" "Somethings not right." "What do you mean?" "I need to get to the hospital, now." "But visiting hours are over." "I don't care. Something wrong with Sam. I'll be back later. Just call the police and tell them to meet me at the hospital." "Alright dude." Colby rushed out the door and to the hospital. "Sir, visiting hours are over." Colby ignored her. He went straight to Sam's room. 'its locked.' "Get off of me." He heard Sam yell. 'looks like I'm busting down this door.' He rammed into it three times before it finally opened. He walked in there and threw the man on to  the ground. Finally seeing his face. "Elton?" Colby asked

A/N: No hate to Elton its just for the story line. What was Elton doing? What was he going to do to Sam. Stay tuned to find out what happens next. Also should I make a chapter or another book about Aaron's back story of him getting posset before? 


Peace out ✌️

Have a good day or night ~Ace

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