The poisoning

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He walked in there and threw the man on to the ground. Finally seeing his face. "Elton?" Colby asked. "You stupid boy! I was trying to kill him!" "Why?" Sam asked with his voice raspy. "You were in the way of my plan!" "And what was your plan?" "To kill Sam, and say it was you. That way I could get rid of you both." "Uh-hu." Colby knew police were out side of the door he was just waiting. "I better flee boys, I don't wanna get caught." He turned and bumped into a police officer. "What ever the fuck your name last name is Elton. You are under arrest for attempting  murder and attempting frame." "Right, but you don't have  evidence." "Yes, we do. Let's not get into how. But your going away for a long time." Elton was in shock. "You knew didn't you ass wholes, thats why you had me stay so long. How did you even call the police. You didn't even know I was in here?" "Let's not get into that right now." Colby said smirking. They hand cuffed Elton and took him to jail. When he finally left the roommates came rushing in. "What happened? Wheres Elton?" Corey asked. "First, calm down. I will explain in a second." He took a minute for them to calm down. "Are you guys ready to hear the story?" They all nodded. "You all know how Elton texted us, saying he is busy, and he'll be there when he can. Well throughout that time he was planning how to frame me and kill Sam." "Why that son of a bitc-" Corey stood up and was about start yelling but Devyn stopped him. "Baby calm down." (I know they broke up, but their together in the story ok? ok) "Sorry, I shouldn't interrupt." Just than Sam's heart monitor started flat lining. Colby stood up and yelled "Doctor get in here!" A group of doctors came in pushing them out of the room. "He has no pulse, clear. clear." They did that a couple times until a doctor came out of the room and asked for "Colby Brock." "Yes?" He stood up "Excuse me for the words i'm about to say, i'm sorry for your loss."


Don't kill me, and no Sam does not die.  Again I know Corey and Devyn broke up, but I already have the story planned out. Also, there is only about 5 chapters of this book left. I'm sorry about that.

Anyway good bye for now

Peace ✌️ 

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