The Surprise

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 Texts between Devyn and Colby

Colby: I'm in place bring him in please.

Devyn: Ok

Sam's POV 

I was outside with Dev, when Colby walked back out. "Sam, you can come in now." I slowly stood up. "Just, I need you to put on this blindfold." I grabbed the blindfold out of his hands. "Now, trust me. I hope your going to love it." I nodded my head. "I'm ready the blindfolds on." We slowly walked up the stairs into the house. "Sam, you can take the blindfold off." As I was reaching back to until my blindfold I said "A blindfold for that short distance." I opened my eyes to see decorations, I look around a see Colby with a  bouquet. in his hand and hes down on one knee. "Sam, I've loved you since I laid eyes on you. Even when I found out that I had two mates I always loved you. In high school we had so many good memories, and I want that to continue. So to wrap this up Samuel John Golbach, will you make me the happiest man alive and be mine?" "I-i Colby I don't know what to say." "I do, Devyn chirped up. Say Yes!" "I- yes. Yes Cole Robert Brock, I will be yours." Colby's face went from uncertainty to a ball of joy. He picked me up by my waist and threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down." I squealed. All of a sudden we all heard a voice we haven't heard in a while. "Took you guys long enough to get together." All of us jumped not knowing she was here. Colby's grip on me had tightened, he gently put me down. "Kat, what are you doing here?"


A/N: i'm terrible I know, but don't worry there will be a squeal. Also Kat WILL NOT be the crazy ex like in most stories. Also I cant remember if I mentioned Kat in other chapters, if I did please let me know. But I will see you guys in the sequel, or if you haven't please check out my other stories. 

Peace, love yall 



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