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"Its not Aaron." "Than who is it?" " A vampire I could not sense before. Look up."Right when he looked up. He saw "Aaron" shape shift into Brennen.

"Golden chains remember that." Colby mumbled. 'Ok I need to look for the golden chains. I also need to make sure they don't see me, or else something will happen if I don't kill them in time.' Jake thought. Once he saw the last of the vampires, he slowly got up from behind the rock.  He heard something crunch from behind him. He ignored it and just kept walking into the house, trying to remember what the riddle said. 

Once you find the hidden attic don't hesitate to drop me, for I will fend for myself.

"Ok ok. The hidden attic is where I need to go. So I need to go upstairs." "Drop me, now. Go don't get hurt." "You sure Colbs?" "Yeah, go now." Jake lowered Colby down to the ground. "I will see you later, just remember go the opposite of the pilgrim feet." "Thank you Colby." Jake found the attic, but it was guarded by  vampires. "Umm excuse me, can I get through?" "And who are you?" One of them asked before they turned around. 'A gold chain.' The other one turned around but there wasn't a gold chain. Jake lunged forward, and stabbed the one that didn't have a gold chain. "P-please don't hurt me." The only live one begged. "You have a gold chain your my ally. Look for other vampires with gold chains and meet me back here." "Yes sir." With that he took off following his orders. He turned the conner and found the hidden attic. He went up to it and jiggled the door nob. 'Locked.' He thought. He lunged at the door. 'It opened that easily, somethings up.' He stood back up looking around. "mhhhh mhhh." The roommates started making noise. He went over and untied them. He untied Corey first. "Corey what happened? Are you hurt?" "No but Aaron is." "Wait Aaron?" "Yeah why?" "He was a vampire in disguise." "He was here with us the entire him." 'A shape shifter' He thought. "Ok, here I brought gold chains put it on." Corey took it looking puzzled. "I will explain later. Just don't take it off." Corey put it on. He than untied Elton,Sam,and Aaron. He told them all to put on the chain. He handed Aaron the chain, but he pulled his hand back. 'Why did he do that?' "Jake, it burns." 'A hybrid.' "Aaron, your a hybrid. Hybrids can't touch gold." "What am I a mix of?" "Your a mix of a vampire and a werewolf." "So than why can't I touch gold?" "I don't know, just remember our conversation. Were gonna need it." Just than all the vampires with golden chains came back. "Sir, who are they?" "They are your allies, all of them. Just look for the gold chain. Aaron, the tall one. Cant touch gold because he's a hybrid. So if you see two of them do not kill them or hurt them. Just bring them to me." "Yes Sir." "Jake, I think its time you explain whats going on." "No right now. Take these stakes." All the vampires flinched. "Don't worry we won't hurt you. Its just in case vampires without the gold chain try to attack us." "Ok, Sir." "One more thing you don't have to call me sir. You can call me Jake." "Ok, s- Jake." "Now do you guys know where any of the other vampires are?" "No, we don't." "But I do." Colby than appeared all bruised and bloody. "Colby what happened?" Jake asked as he ran over to him. "Im fine, but why is Aaron here?" "The Aaron that was at the house, is a shape shifter. Aaron here can't touch gold."

~Time skip. Not trying to bore y'all we them reexplaining.~

"Oh ok." "Guys do you know where Colby went?" An anonymous voice said.  "Guys you hide. The vampires, what are your names by the way?" "Well the rest of them don't have names. But my name is Katrina. But I prefer Kat." The girl vampire said sweetly. "Ok Kat, could you yell for him to come in here saying that you found him?" "Yes." She yelled out while everyone else hid. "Thank you Kat, you really are the best." "I thought you said that Colby was in here?" 'He was a second ago, but I found the boy Jake you were talking about." "Oh ok. Jake stand up." "And if I don't?" "Than you will regret it." "Alright come at me." "Kat go get Aaron." "Yes Sir." "Alright now you do what I say or Aaron here gets hurt." "I thought you were the real Aaron?" "Well I am." Both said at the same time. "Sir may I make a suggestion?" "Yes you may." They both said. "Why don't we do a bunch of competition that can prove who is the real Aaron?" "Yes that is a great idea." "Well lets start off by..." 

~Time skip to the final part of the competition.~

"Ok, now the last and final one, we all are wearing gold chains, you have to put it on yourself." The actual Aaron looking worried. Jake got up a whispered to Aaron. "Don't worry, the second he grabs on to it Corey will lunge forward and stab the imposter." Jake didn't know he whispered that to the wrong Aaron. 

But little did the imposter know, things were about to go down.

A/N: Sorry I haven't been to activate lately. Hope you guys are enjouying the story. Also one last thanks to get my book over 100 reads. I never thought my crappy book would get more than 50.

But Peace out ill update again soon. 

Peace ✌️

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