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We all walk in together well in couples then just Kyle on his own. Honestly did feel bad for him but was I going to tell him nope. Henry spins me around and wraps his arms around my waist and rocked to the music. "OO dance floor" Ella yells and drags Will with her.

I look over at Kyle. He seems so sad and so out of place. I nudge Henry. "is Kyle okay?" I whisper. Henry looks over at him and mimicks my facial expression. I remove myself from Henrys arms. He lets out a pout. "Go be with your friend," I tell him. Henry shakes his head at me. "Henry" i scowl at him. He raises his eyebrow at me. "You really think im going to leave you wander off in a strangers house" He says. I scoff at him.

"Henry we are not attached at the hip go be with Kyle" I whisper to him. Henry shakes his head at me. "Henry" I warn him. He just stares at me. "il go find Ella and send Will over so it be bros night and Ella can have girls night with me" I offer him. He sighs at me. "Fine" He blankly says and nudges past me. I watch him as he walks up to Kyle. Kyles mood instantly changes. I patted myself on the shoulder and headed towards the kitchen for a drink.

As I entered I lock eyes on Will talking to Ella and another boy. They all had drinks. I walk myself over to them and pluck Wills cup out of his grasp. "Hey" he yells. I glug down his drink and wiped my mouth. "Will its girls night go find your boys and have fun" i tell him and grab Ella hands, "Meet you later" I yell before plucking the boys cup out of his hand and drinking that.

"You okay?" Ella shouts as we went towards the dance floor. I nod. I start swaying my hips. Ella makes eye contact with me and starts laughing. "Thats not how you dance sexy" she laughs. I stop what I'm doing and chuckle. "Show me!" I yell. She grabs my waist and starts moving it in figure 8 movement. "Thats it!" she cheers as she let her hands go. I shake my head at her. We dance for a little while before the music stops. The crowd groans including me.

"Spin the bottle time!" the host yells holding a big ass bottle. Boys and girls push the furniture back to make more room. Ella looks at me and I look at her. "should we?" I ask her. She looks at the circle starting to form and points, "Yes the boys are" she frowns. I follow her point and see all 3 of them start in their spots. I scoff. "Lets go" I grab Ellas hand and drag her to empty spaces. We sit down and cross our legs.

The host crawls in the middle of the circle and smacks the bottle in the middle. "You all know the rules if not then tough" she slurs before spinning the bottle. The bottle spins and spins until it lands on a boy opposite her. She stands up and walk to him. She sits down on his lap and kiss him so sloppily. Once they stopped she throws back her neck. "Let the games begin" she yells. We all cheer.

The game went on for awhile. Ella has been kissed, Kyle has been kissed, Will has been kissed but the bottle seemed to advert me and Henry I kept zoning out until I hear Henry names. I blink myself back into the circle and see Henry walking over to the host. I glare at him coldly. The host stands up and looks over at me. "Oooh Henry Todd what a pleasure" she slurs. Henry looks over at me and frowns. "I won't do it" He backs away.

"Its a game! go for it!" I yell out.

Henry looks at me doubtfully before walking closer to her. The host claps her hands and kisses him. Henry looks like he enjoys it. He grabs her waist and carries on kissing her. Ella grabs my hand and squeezes it. They finally part and smile at each other. Before the host grabs the bottle I rush to it and yank it from her. "My turn" I smile and spin it hard.

It spins and spins and spins until it lands on Kyle. The circle went quiet. Henry spits out his beer. "No way" He says. I look at the bottle and chuckle. "Its a game" I repeat my words but this time it was bitterly. I skip over to Kyle and sat in his lap. Kyle looks at me weirdly. "Evie get off him" Henry shouts. I snap my neck at him, "No i let you kiss what's her name now do you trust me?" I question him. He takes a spit of his beer.

"I'm taking that was a Yes" I smile and grab Kyles face. Kyles grabs the nape of my neck and brings me closer. I smash my lips on his and he kisses me back. It was so soft and earth melting. He deepens the kiss and I don't stop him. His hands travel down to my back but we get pulled apart.

"Thats enough" Henry scolds us. I look up at him and laugh. He grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet. He holds onto me and marches me out of the circle and up the stairs. He opens a bathroom and yanks me in. He pulls me close to him. He is really drunk "Why did you do that for?" He yells at me. I scoff at him. "Its is a game Henry" I scowl at him.

He shakes his head at me. "You take things to far" he scowls. I look at him in shock. "You literally just kissed a girl in front of me and instead of pulling away you did it more" I point out. He laughs. "You told me to" he yells at me. I shake my head at him. "If i knew you would behave like that I wouldn't have said so" I yell back at him.

"Im so done with your bullshit" he spits at me. I look at him in shock. I pull his hand off me. "Im done with you full stop we are done" I whisper to him before walking away from him. He calls my name but I just ignore him.

I walk into the kitchen. Everyone goes silent. I walk over to the bucket full of drinks and open it. "Cheers everyone" I shout before downing a drink. Ella comes over to me. "You okay?" she asks. I nod and grab another drink. "Im brilliant now lets down drinks until we can't walk" I smile. She nervously grabbed a drink and drinks it slowly. I shake my head at her and tilt the bottle up. "Drink it" I cheer.

2 drinks turns into 4.

4 turns into 12

12 turns into 22 then blackness.

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