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I stumble through the door with two or three bags honestly couldn't keep count after a while. I place them down and let out a sigh.

"How was your day!" my dad bursts out from the kitchen. I jump in fright. "Dad!" i moan. He giggles at me before coming over to grab my bags. "Sorry honey" he chuckles kissing my forehead.

He shakes my bags. "Feels a bit light Evelyn" he frowns. I give him tight lipped smile. He raises his brow at me. "Don't give me that look dad i'm just too tired to shop" I complain.

He gives me a look.

"Are you giving her the look Craig" I hear Luna shout from outside. I smirk at my dad. "Yea dad" I whisper before poking my head out of the door.

I see Luna messing about in the car. it seemed like she was fighting with a bag but i got most of the bags so what was she up to.

"What are you doing" I yell out to her. She jumps then slowly backs out of the car. "Nothing" she yells back before going back into the car. I turn my head to my father.

"Um i think you should go help your wife" I hint at him. He places the bag by the stairs then pops his head out of the door. "LuLu do you need help?" he cheesy hollers. I hear yelp in pain. "Yes i do now" she groans.

My father pops his head back in. "i think i will go help" he chuckles before running out of the house.

Typical dad.

I pick up the bags and rush towards the living room. I place the bags down on the coffee table then slowly sit down in front them. I claps my hands together ready to start pulling everything out when I hear a bang from the front door.

"Dad is everything okay?" I call out. I hear whispers. "Yes everything fine" he calls back painfully. I bring myself to my feet and start waddling towards the front door. "I don't believe you dad" I mumble as I turn the corner.

"No don't look!" Luna shouts. I stop. My hands fly to my eyes so that they are covered. "Why?" I shout back.

"ummm" my dad hums.

"because it is a surprise now turn around and go back to the living room" Luna grits through her teeth. I sigh at her and put my hands down. "well i don't like surprises" I argue and open my eyes.

"No don't" Luna screams as I open them.

I gasp.

There in front of me stood a massive crib that was definitely the reason why Luna was struggling. It was white and yellow with little silver diamonds across the veil draping the sides.

"Now the surprise is ruined" Luna mumbled sadly.

"No" I croak. "It's really not". My dad looks at me and I could see him starting to fill up. I waddle over to it and stare at in awe.

"How didn't i see this in the car?" I sigh trying not to cry.

"Kyle brought it around his car that's who car i was struggling with" Luna chuckles wrapping her arms around my shoulders. i lean on her. I felt my tears falling down my face. "I thought something was off" I laugh. My dad comes around the crib and hug us.

"I absolutely love you guys" I cry. "this is so thoughtful"

They hug me tighter. "And we love you and the baby" they both say putting their hand on my bump.

Pregnant By My Boyfriends Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now