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After a lot of arguing with Ella about me staying home and her going to the party with another one of our friends from a class, she finally agreed to leave me alone and go out like a nut case she is. She leaves my house with a very evil look in her eyes.

I swear that girl can make Ted Bundy look sane.

I watch her from the balcony in my room. Soon as she reaches her car she looks up and gives me the bird. "hate that you are pregnant!" she yells before opening her car door. I smile at her. "Baby H loves you too" I yell down to her as she hops in the car. I see her shake her head at me. I keep my eyes on her until she is out of my street.

I lean on the railings and look up at the dark skies. It was filled with the most beautiful stars. "Aw baby" I sigh placing my hand on my bump. "I guess it is just you and me tonight" I frown tearing myself from the railings. Luna and my dad had to travel down to North Carolina to go get Caroline for some reason so I had the house to myself. I walk slowly back into my room just lingering the cold air a little bit longer.

I lock the balcony doors with the new locks my dad got me for safety measures then shut the curtains. I don't ask why.

I sit on my bed and just stare at my tv. "What to watch" I mutter reaching for the remotes. I see my phone flash as I settle back into my position. I ignore it and put my tv on. "Lets watch Greys Anatomy" I whisper before placing pillows behind my back. I see in the corner of my eyes that my phone is flashing like crazy. I groan. "She hasn't even arrived yet and she's already texting me," I think out loud as I reach for my phone.

The brightness hits me like a truck so I squint my eyes at it so I could see it more clearly. It was a text message from Henry. "Are you ready to have that talk" it just says. I look at the time on my phone. It was 9:30 at night why wasn't he at the party. I opened the text and began typing that exact thing.

I stare at the phone waiting for the reply. The three dots come up then disappear. "Thats what I thought" I smirk to myself before placing my phone down. As soon as I put it down a text comes through. I open it and before I had a chance to read it, my phone was ringing. Henry.

I clicked the answer button.

"Im at your balcony doors, I'm ready to talk," he says straight away before even a hello.

I look over at the balcony doors and I could see his shadow behind the curtains.

"I thought you were at the party I mean everyone is including Ella," I say what I texted while shuffling off the bed.

"I didn't feel like it" he calmly said. I walk over to the doors and pushed the curtains open. He gives me a little smirk. I ended the call. I open the curtains and unlocked the doors. I backed away from the doors as he opens it from the outside. "new locks huh?" he asks raising his eyebrows.

"My dad felt it was necessary" I hinted at him.

He looks at me then scans my outfit. "Nice sweatshirt" he comment. I looked down at it and realised it was Wills as his leaving present for me. "It was from Will before he left" I mutter crossing my arms.

He gives me a nod. He stands in front of me nervously. "So you already thought of names for our baby without me?" he goes straight in. I scratch my head nervously. "Yeah," I tell him the truth. He looks at me with really hurt eyes. "I didn't know you were still around, you literally dropped off the grid" I remind him before he starts going off about how I didn't consider him.

"Still could have texted me 'oh by the way me and your best friend has named your kid'" he sarcastically says walking towards my bed. I scoff at him. "Our child! its mine yours and Kyles" I remind him. He jumps on my bed and just looks at me.

"Did you just come over here to make remarks at the dna of the child because if you have just leave" I point to the door. He looks at me shocked. "Haven't been here two minutes and your kicking me out" he looks at me.

"Do you want to know what I decided on for the name" I sigh rubbing my forehead just regretting my decision. He leans forward and nods at me. I walk over to him and sit down in my spot. I pause the tv. He looks at me with his magical eyes that makes me want to fall in love with him again but i look away.

"Nathaniel for a boy and Jordelle Ruthie for a girl" I beam. He gives me a blank expression. "well?" I nudge him. He still gives me a blank face. "You literally named the child after two of his family members! wow Eve wow" he bursts out.

"I know i realised that earlier in the doctors what's why I wanted to ask you for your opinion" I tell him. He scoffs at me and stands up. "My opinion is irrelevant to you anyway" he throws at me. I was a little hurt but he was being truthful.

"I'm sorry" I apologise.

He shakes his head at me. "No i'm sorry that i thought you actually cared about me" he scowls at me. I bring myself to my knees on the bed. "Henry i do care about you but i really shouldn't after you almost killed me!" I shout at him.

He glared at me.

"I'm done with you" he says and heads towards the door. I scramble to my feet and run towards the door. I slam my body against it to stop him from leaving.

"move" he demands. I shake my head at him and press myself against the door. He goes to grab the handle but I slap his hand away. "Your not leaving until you pick a name" I tell him. He looks up at me with such hate in his eyes that i felt like any moment he was gonna hit me.

"Fine Ginny and Jeremy now move" he quickly says. I bite my lips and goes to grab his hands. Jeremy was his uncles name who died of cancer last year. "Evie just get out of my way before I move you" he warns me.

I look at him sideways. "You know I will" he growls coming closer to my face. I squirm then I move away from the door. He opens it and starts walking through it. "Henry" I call out. He doesn't stop.

"Il see you soon Evie baby" he smirks at me creepily before disappearing down my wall.

Soon as he said that I was running bsck into my room locking the doors tightly then barricading myself inside my room. I fly to my bed and pull my baseball bat out from under the bed for protection.

I don't trust him one bit.

Pregnant By My Boyfriends Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now