16 part 2

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After Ruth and Luna leaves the store, I just turn my back to him and focus on this really ugly dress in front of me. I hear him sigh. I then look down at the yellow dress I had in my hand and just imagine myself wearing it. I hear him walk by the side of me and start touching the clothes that Luna dumped on me.

"So how have you been?" he breaks the ice first. I look up at him and shrug. "Fine, I been happier" I tell him with a blank face. He nods before looking at the dress in my hands. He scrunched his face in disgust.

"what" i asked offended.
He grabs the dress out of my hands and holds up in front of me. "this is not your colour Eve" he sassily says. I stifle my laugh. He gives a dead serious look.

"I would say a blue colour is more your skin tone" he muffled before rummage through the racks of clothes. I bit my lip to stop me from laughing. "When did you become a fashionista Kyle" I chuckle. He looks up at me. He gives me a smug smile.

"well i know a lot about girls see-" he starts off but I hold my hand up. "alright i haven't had my nausea yet but if i leave you carry on I will feel it" I grunt disgusted.

He laughs at me. "you did ask Eve"

I chuckled. "Yeah i wish i didn't now"

We chuckle a little before going back to silence. it was getting a bit awkward until I spot maternity jeans. I dash away from him and squeal. "I been looking for jeans!". He cocks his eyebrows at me. I give him a blank expression then look down to my bump. "Yea I can't fit into my owns anymore" I smugly smile before chuckling.

He runs his hand through his hair while rolling his eyes.

"So how many weeks are you now?" he casually asks. I place my hand on my chin. "if my doctor is correct then i'm 20 weeks this week but i feel longer" I honestly say. He nods at me.

I can tell he was feeling awkward. "let's cut the baby talk and just shop" I sighed.

We walk around for bit before I start feeling the need to pee. Kyle escorts me to the bathroom before as he says "puddles myself". i honestly don't know where he got that from because it was not from our little broken group.

He waits outside the cubicle as I pee. I need to ask him about the college situation or i'm never going to do it.. So here I go.

"Kyle" I call out. He hums back. "Why aren't you going to college anymore?" i get straight to the point. There's silence. "Kyle?" I call out again.

"So where's Ella Bella?" he croaks changes the subject. "shouldn't she be with you instead of Luna and my mum" he says just a little annoyed. I wipe myself and stand up. "Shes doing stuff" I reply back while pulling my leggings up. He lets out a knowing hum.

"You mean doing people" he chuckles. I flush the chain then open the toilet door. "How do you know about that?" I mumble. He raises his nicely shaped eyebrows. "Dude everyone knew about it!?" he tells me. I walk to the taps and start washing my hands.

"So Will even knew?" I question him. He leans against the wall and looks at me like i'm stupid. "Of course he fucking knew" he laughed. I feel like there's someone more there. I glance at him.

"Did you ever do it with her?" I ask him. He shakes his head frantically. "that means yes then" I chuckle shaking my hands in the sink.

"I mean can't you blame me she's stunning and every boy wanted to including-" he nonchalantly says before realising who he was talking to me. "Actually never mind"he mutters looking at the floor.

"Henry" I let out as more as an answer than a question. He shakes his head no.

i knew he was lying.

"honestly it doesn't bother me so you can just tell me Kyle" I bitterly muttered leaning on the sink. He shakes his head at me. "No he didn't sleep with Ella, he had respect for you" he rambles looking anywhere but me.

I walk up to him. "Don't lie to me, respect was not in his vocabulary" I point at him. He looks over me and stares at the wall. "He loved you Evelyn" he states. I throw my arms in the air.

"I know he did but being beaten was not love you know this, i mean he handed you your ass a couple of weeks ago in the hallway remember that" I pointed out. He glared at me. "I didn't even try to fight back unlike some" he mocks me. I scoff at him.

"Okay lets just go i'm done with today" I mumbled strutting my pregnant ass past him.

"but you haven't got hardly anything" he yells.

"I'm fine with that" I shout back.

We walk together in sync without say a word to each other.

We reach the food court where I hope Luna was going to be but instead I got greeted with the people at my school. "I'm not dealing with this" I mumble and go to turn when I hear.

"Kyle! my son!" a deep voice calls out. Kyle looks over at me before turning around. "What are you doing here?" Kyle calls back. I give him a glare before walking off.

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