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Ella drags us into my garden. The way my garden was structured it was soon as you entered there was a couple of chairs around a fire pit then a long path leading to my conservatory. "Ella stops it" I yell at her but she ignores me.

She dragged us down the path and open the door to the conservatory. She steps inside and looks at me and Kyle. I cross my arms at her. Kyle shrugs his arms, "I am too drunk to even argue with her at the moment" he slurs stumbling into the doors. "Um my doors" I moan at him, he gives me a careless look before flopping onto my couch. Ella rubs her forehead before looking at me.

"Get in here now before i come out there and drag your pregnant ass in here" she threatens me. I look at her then look at Kyle who is just chilling on my couch. "I'm done with talking with you and him, I just want to go speak to my brother and sister" I point at her. She shakes her head at me before grabbing my hand. She pulls me in the conservatory and lock the door. She wiggles the keys in front of my face before putting it down her top.

Ooooo I'm ready to go and get that key

She rounds the second couch before diving onto the corner couch. I stand there with my arms closed. "Right last night got wayyyyy out of hand" she holds her hands up. I look at Kyle in disgust . "Yeah way out of hand that I woke up to being tagged in a porn video" I point out furiously. Kyle tilts his head at me. Ella mouth drops open.

"Yeah, it was of Kyle and Erin" I cackle walking towards Ella. She looks around me and just glared at Kyle. He held his hands up in defence. "I was drunk" he defends himself, I scoff at him "and I'm pregnant with your child and I don't go around sleeping with skanks in a bush" I throw at him.

"Actually you don't know it's my child" he throws at me. That hurt me. "so that gives you a reason to leave Erin to taunt me with snapchat's off you and her!" I yell at him. He looks at me without a care in the world. "I can't control what she does" he simply says.

My blood is boiling. This boy has got me fucked up.

I grab a pillow from behind me and just throw it at him. It whacks him in the face. "Your jerk" I breath at him. He holds the pillow close to him. He smirks at me. "Tell me something I don't know" he taunts me. I literally grab another pillow and go to throw it but Ella yanks it back.

"both of you stop" she yells at us. I slump back in my seat to give me more comfort. She looks at both of us in disbelief.

"You're going to be parents in about 5 months, that baby is due in August and you acting like children over some videos and pictures" she scoffs at me. My mouth falls open, "he had sex with Erin of all people" I interrupt her. She holds her hand up in my face. She looks over at him. "It was a mistake," he says like it was scripted.

"No good" I chuckle relaxing into my couch. He huffs at me. Ella literally turned her head to me and just glared at me. "He is trying with you and you keep shutting him down" she defends him.

 I look at her sideways. "You don't know why I am so so mad at him, the bitch sent me a photo of them two" I yell pointing at him. He just stares at me. "with the caption Im stepmummy" I put on a fake accent, "so stay the fuck out before I throw you out of my house Ella, I am not playing any more of these mind game" I shout at her. Everyone goes quiet but i am in a rage.

"I didn't even know she put that as a caption" he interrupts me. 

I huff. "You seem not know shit" I fire at him. 

"Well I didn't I was too drunk to even realise what I did" he confesses. 

"Thats exactly what I thought when I slept with you" I smile at him

"Thats harsh" He chuckles at me. I look at him stupidly, "It was meant to be" I drag out. Ella shakes her head at me. "I am so done being around you two," she says walking to the door. Our heads both follow her. "Where are you going?" Kyle asks her. 

"In the house" she bluntly says. I glance at her. "I am coming with" Kyle stands up in a huff. She shakes her head at him. She points at me than to him. "Sort this shit out before I get back because I am not happy with having that baby" she fumes pointing at my bump "grow up in a toxic co-parenting situation, I have seen married couples argue less than you too so sex it up or stay away from each other because it is obvious you are fighting your feelings for each other" she rants really fast before leaving us in the conservatory.  

My mouth fell to the floor... fell to hell actually. 

She smiles at us through the class before walking up to the house. 

"So" Kyle drags out staring at Ella walking back up to the house. I say nothing to him. "Are we gonna sex it up or what?" he laughs still looking out of the conservatory. I roll my eyes at him and grab a pillow. I throw it at his head. "In your dreams" I mumble as it smacks him in the neck.

He chuckles and turns around. He has a really seductive smile on his face. "But seriously we do need to talk," he says and bams his smile turns serious. I follow him as he sits down opposite me.

"I have nothing to say to you, im so mad at you right now," I tell him truthfully and look away from him. 

"I get it honestly I would be the same" he calmly replies. 

"No you don't get it" I shout at him. "I had to be tagged in your porn video and be sent photos from your latest conquest because people think that seeing it affecting me and it is" I leave it all out. His face just stays serious but his eyes flicker of something else that I have never seen. "But thats the side effects of being pregnant" I quickly add in there. He rolls his eyes at me. 

"I know it must not be nice to see but you got to realise its not nice for me to see you making plans with your abusive ex after hearing out babys heartbeat" he throws at me. 

"That is so so so different!" I defend myself. "You was there for that, I was not there for your little sex scene". I felt sick as it came out of my mouth. "And that ex is your best friend so watch your tone"

"It is not different!" he raises his voice at me. It makes me a bit terrified of him but it was very sexy. 

I stand up. "I am not doing this with you right now" I sigh walking towards the door. I hear him get up and he grabs my hand. He spins me to his chest. I place my hand on his chest. He runs his hand through my hair before cupping my face in his giant hands. "Don't" I grumble trying to push him away but he doesn't leave me go. 

"Just speak to me Evelyn please" he begs me. "Let's be good for our baby" he mumbles. I look up at him confused. "Let's be a couple" he asks before looking down at my lips. I move his hands off my face. "no you don't get to do this to me not again, try to kiss me then do some bullshit" I shout at him. He rolls his eyes at me. "fine whatever" he yells at me before backing away from me.

I point to the doors. "get out and stay the hell away from me" I tell him. I look to the floor.  He touches my hand but I move away from him. "Just leave, I will update your mom on the baby" I beg him. There a moment of silence before I hear him leave.

 I finally look up and watch as he leaves me in the conservatory. I see Ella, Frankie and Caroline standing there looking very confused as he passes them. Ella tries to talk to him but he just blanks her and carries on walking. He doesn't look back. I bite my lip to stop me from crying again. Soon as he gone I just lay on the couch.

Kyle is attractive and I would never ever go there again. Yes the first time was amazing but I could never be his girlfriend and No i have not got feelings for him. 

Pregnant By My Boyfriends Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now