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When she finally pulls up, I don't hesitate and jump into the car. She gives me a puzzled look before restarting the car. "Don't ask" I warn her and snuggle into her passenger seat. She looks at me and chuckles. "Someone is hangover" she comments. I give her a look. She takes her eyes off the road for a second and smiled at me. She turns back to the road and turns onto the road that leads to her house. I smiled at her for taking me back to hers.

"How are you so happy" I mumble at her. She flicks her hair so sassily. "I watered down my drinks unlike you" she chirps. I give her a funny look. She looks at me with the same funny look. "I got to so I don't have a hangover and miss school unlike you today luckily me and Henry covered for you with the school and your parents," she tells me. 

The mention of Henry's name made me feel sick. 

"Stop the car" I utter reaching for the car handle. She braked hard. I opened the door and puked onto the road. Ella reaches over and holds my hair back. "Jesus what did you drink" she gulps. I keep spewing. She pats my back. "Seriously what did you drink," she asks looking over my shoulder. I wipe my mouth and close the door. 

"I don't know" I mumble

"What did my parents say or better yet what did you tell them," I ask her regretting everything. She turns into her driveway and bit lip. "I said you had a bad period so you stayed at mine but you were going to be in 4th which is unrealistic given your current state but they were fine with it and my old folks are at work so your fine to get showered and dressed" she looks me up and down. I give her a hug. "Your the best" I whisper to her. She smiles as we pull away. 

"I know" she smirks. I sit in my seat as she actually stops the car. I need to tell her about Kyle. I look over at her and frown. she looks at me with a smile then it turns to a frown. "What?" she quietly asks. I shake my head. "I need to tell you something" I carefully pick my words. She furrows her brows. I go to tell her when her phone rings interrupting us. She picks it up and looks at me. "its Henry" she says passing the phone to me. I hold my hand up to push it away. 

"You answer it, I need to go get dressed" I smile weakly as I look at the clock on her dashboard. "Okay, il wait for you so take your time" She copies my smile then answers the phone. I open the door and quickly close it before she remembers that I needed to tell her something.

You can't tell her I thought to myself. 

I quickly ran to her bedroom. I opened her cupboard and grabbed the spare clothes that I always keep at hers, Henrys and Wills. I grab a blue tank top and black jeans. I looked at myself in her mirror. 

God I do need a shower

I strip out of the dress and see little bruises on my arms. I look at them more closely and remembered Henry's hand around my arm. "He hurt me" I whisper to myself.

I walk into her bathroom and knocking the shower water on. I left the water pour all of my body. I washed my face repeatedly to get the makeup off. I moaned at the warmness then a flashback hit me again. 

" oh God" I mumbled as Kyles hand travelled my body.

"Shush" he moaned kissing my neck.

"Put it in" I mumble in his ear

I snapped back into reality. I knock the water off and stared at the floor. I cover my mouth as I let little sobs out. I slide down onto the shower floor and cry. "Why me?" I say to myself. I am so screwed. I need to tell someone. I bring myself off the floor and wrap a towel around me. I scrunch my hair then toss it into a bun before putting on my clothes. I grab my phone, Ellas cheerleading hoodie and my school bag then ran out to the car.

As I approached she started the car back up. I jumped in the passenger seat and threw my bag in the back. She reversed out of the driveway. "Ella" I mumble. She nods as she drives on. "Remember when I said I need tell you something," I say. She looks over at her and places her hand on my thigh. "I know what it is" she vaguely say. My eyes go wide.

"How?" I question her. She chuckles. "Henry! duh he told me about last night?" she utters slowly. "Is that what he phoned for" I look at the floor. She shakes her head at me. "He wanted to speak to you but Im here for you through your breakup mind" she speaks. I look at her relieved. She gives me a weird look, "What did you think it was Eves?" she laughs. I shrug my shoulders. She nods at me and focuses back on the road

She drives into the school parking lot. I look at the crowds of students swarming out into the yard. "Ella" I call her name. She nods. "Can you call Henry and tell him to meet me by your car please" I beg her and she nods. She parks into a parking space then phones Henry as she leaves the car. I watch her as she enters the school then I get out of the car. The car automatically locks after me and I just lean against it, 

I look around while I wait. 

I keep my eyes moving so it seems like I'm not staring so no confrontations happen like it usually does at my school. Girls are so dramatic and yet I am best friends with the most dramatic of them all. Ironic. 

I jump onto Ellas bonnet and go to pull out my phone when I feel the bonnet sag down. "There you are I been so worried Evelyn" Henry blurts out wrapping his arms around me. I pull away and just stare at the floor. I hear him lean forward a little. "Eve are you okay?" he sadly asks rubbing my arm. I push his arm away from. 

"No im not okay" I tell him. I look at him. He looks at me with confusion and shock. I sigh and roll my sleeve up. His eyes shift from me to my arm and he grabs my arm and inspects it more. "Who done this to you?" he asked getting really mad. I look at him in disbelief. 

"Doesn't it look familar Henry?" I scoff rolling the sleeve back down. He looks at me cluelessly.  "Was you really that out of your mind drunk off beer that you don't remember holding my arm so tight that it marked me" I throw at him. I think something in him broke, his eyes changed. He reaches out for my hand. I yank it back. 

"You know what happened to my dad and you still put your hands on me again. Drunk or not it is not acceptable" I whisper to him. "Your lucky Ella didn't see it because remember last time when Kyle pushed me, she broke his nose" I remind him. He shakes his head at me. I hop off the car. "Evie I didn't mean to hurt you" he whispers back angrily. I look at him and shake my head. "You promised you never hit me again" I growl at him. He hops off the car and towers above me. I don't back down. 

"I am sorry" he says and wraps his arms around me. I fight to get out of his hold. "I promise you that it will never happen again and we go for a meal tonight to makeup," he says. I look up at him and I see the boy that loved me not the boy who hurt me. I shake my head at him. 

"Last chance" I give in.

He smiles and wraps his arms around. "I love you" he whispers in my ear. I ignore him and walk into school together to see our friends waiting for us with smiles out of this world.

"And they are back" Will smiles and smacks Kyle on his back. "Dude you owe me 10 bucks" Will cackles. Kyle glares at me while giving Will the money. I looked to the floor and cuddled myself in. 

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