9 (part 2)

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I wave bye to Luna as she drops me outside the school. She beeps her horn twice before racing off in her white land rover like the queen she is. I smile to myself as I walked up the step but that soon ended when I see Henry sitting on the steps with a microphone while talking to his weird friends, not mine/his friends but his creepy friends. 

I go to walk past them when I hear one of the boys shout my name. I stop in my tracks. They shout my name again so I turned around and raised my left eyebrow at them. "Yes?" I asked. One of them called Fred walks up to me. "Is it true that you got a bun in the oven?" he asks reaching for my stomach. I slap his hands away.  "Get your hands off me and it doesn't matter if I am or not" I quietly say. 

I look past Fred at Henry. "Your really telling your creepy ass friends about the baby when I haven't even told Will or Kyle, your parents or even my stepsister" I grit at him. Henry smiles at me wickedly then turns on the microphone. "Well they all get to find out" he smirks.

The microphone squeals calling everyone's attention.

"People of Palma Springs High School" He speaks into the microphone. I see everyone turns to him. "I have got some news for you" he smiles. He looks over at me and winks. "Me and my now EX-girlfriend" he says emphasising the EX part. I shake my head at his dramatic ways. I go to grab the microphone off him but Fred grabs my waist. Fred lifts me up and holds me in the air like a doll. 

I see Ella, Will and Kyle making their way through the crowds. 

"Put me down" I squirm. Fred laughs at me.

"Well back to what I was saying" Henry started again. I see Will and Kyle fly up the steps. "I am now a DAD" Henry blurts out just before Will punches Fred in the face. I hear him say that as I fell into Kyles arms. Kyles looked down at me and I just felt sick to my stomach.

Everyone was silent including Henry. 

All eyes shift to me. 

Henry walks over to me.  Kyle balances me before leaving me go. "Go on" he smirks handing me the microphone. I push it away. He goes to say something else when I see Ellas perfectly manicured hand fly and grab it out of his hand. "Why thank you" she smiles then switches it off before throwing it down the steps causing it to break. I feel like a wave rush over me. 

Henry glares at her. 

Ella turns around to look at the crowd. "Haven't you all got classes to get to"  she yells. They all look at her stupid. "NOW!" she screams and everyone scatters. She turns back to me. She looks at me weird. 

"Why are you wearing a turtle neck," she asks. I look down at my outfit and shrug. She walks over to me and hugs me. "Its okay baby mama" she whispers in my ear.

"Well that was fun" I hear Henry laugh. I see Ella snap her neck towards him. oh shit. She leaves me to go then walks up to him. He looks down at her and scoffs. "What is your deal, Henry! she is bloody pregnant and I don't think she wanted every fucker to know just yet just because your not together  for some reason that I don't care about and to be honest I would have done it ages ago because you ain't good enough for her and i really hope this baby hates your ass because IT deserves more aswell" she yells at him. He stays silent but I could tell he was mad. I look at her bewildered. 

He goes to say but she puts her hand over his mouth. "Don't say anything because I am so willing to beat your ass and your little Fred over there crying like baby" she points out. I look over at Fred and behind all the blood you could see tears. 

Henry looks at me then makes a fist. I knew he packed a punch. I felt my breath getting shorter. I run over to Ella before she starts mouthing again. 

"Ella lets go I think he understands" I smile holding her by the shoulders and guiding her into the school. She looks back at him. "This isn't over Henry your ass is mine!" she yells at him. I look at her with shock. 

As we walk through the hallways everyone eyes were on me but more importantly my stomach which was a good thing because I was not showing yet. Ella notices the stares and pushes my arms off her. "Right now I am ready to fight all these bitches" she yells out. Everyone literally turned away. I shook my head at her. 

"Right who is ready to get their ass handed to them" she shouts putting up fists. I glare at her but luckily William and Kyle was not far behind us. "Ella calms down" he runs up to her. She looks at him sideways. 

"don't tell me what to do" she shouts at him.

 She looks at me then gives me a hug, "I got to go and calm down but any problems come and get me" she whispers before walking off. I look at Will and he nods at me before chasing her leaving me and Kyle standing in the hallway. I hear them bickering all the way down the hallway.

"They will never change" I chuckle. He looks down the hallway and chuckle, "No they won't". 

He looks at me and I felt really nauseous. "So pregnant huh?" he laughs softly. 

 "I was going to tell you and William today but well Henry beat me to it" I rush. His eyes just slowing make it down to my stomach. "So your pregnant and wearing a turtle neck?" he teases me. I shake my head at him. 

"Um why is everyone on about my turtle neck I think it is fashionable" I lie looking down at it. He scrunches his face. "um I don't think so" he chuckles and sling his arm around my shoulders. I flinch. He narrows his eyes at me. 

 "What are you doing?" I ask him. He takes his arm away. "Walking you to class" he states bluntly. I make an oh face. He laughs at me. We start walking down the hallway in silence. 

"Look at us being friendly a couple of weeks ago we hated each other" he states breaking the ice. 

I felt my stomach drop at the mention of a couple of weeks ago. 

"Yea I am so glad we could put everything behind us" I hinted at him. He looked over at me and give me a thin smile. 

Pregnant By My Boyfriends Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now