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"Mommy!" I run up to her. "Guess what daddy taught me today!"

She grabs me and hugs me tight.

"What did he teach you, Eenralla?"

"Mommy!" I stomp my foot. "I like Eenie more! Eeeeenie!"

She laughs, and sits on her knees.

"What did he teach you, Eenie?"

I jump up and down.

"Daddy taught me to shoot an arrow!"

Her face isn't happy anymore. She looks sad or mad.

"Why aren't you happy mommy?"

She smiles and gives me a kiss on my head.

"Happy birthday, baby girl."


"In three days, you will choose the jobs that you will train for until your Final Training Test when you turn thirteen."

The class starts to talk in loud voices. Our mommies and daddies have been telling us about that day for a loooong time now. I know a little bit about every job, but I've always known what I want to be.

"Does anyone know what they will choose?"

My hand flies up.

"I do!" I yell. I almost fall out of my chair. "I want to be a Hunter, just like my daddy!"

Some of the boys laugh.

"But you're a girl!" One of them shouts to me.

"So?!" I say, angry. "You were saying you wanted to be a Cooker! Isn't that for girls?"

I stick out my tongue. Everybody laughs, and his face gets all redish. He runs from his seat to where I am.

My eyes get all wide, and I stand up. I squint my eyelids and squeeze my teeth together. I can't look like a baby in front of everyone!

He jumps at me, and I try and make him go away. I push him, and I hit him with my hands.

"Peter! Eenie!" The teacher shouts louder than everybody. She gets in between us so we stop fighting. He tries to find a way to me, but he can't get away from her arm.

His eyes have tears in them, and the teacher talks to him quietly across the room where she took him.

I stand at my desk. I'm happy I didn't look like a baby. Cause then I would look like he does. I stick my tongue out at him, and he looks at the floor.

Why did he do that? The floor isn't that interesting.

The teacher stands up slowly and looks at me. She walks over to me and sits on her feet in front of me.


"Why did you do that?"

"He started it!" I cross my arms.

"But does that mean you can make him feel bad too?"

I open my mouth and close it again.

I don't know what to say.

"You didn't like it very much, did you? So how do you think he feels?"

My shoulders fall down with my arms. Now I know why he looked at the floor.

"I'm sorry," I tell her. "I won't ever do it again, I promise."

And I never break my promises.


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