Four (Part 1)

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Four (Part 1)


A loud banging from my front door echoes to me and wakes me from my sleep.

I wipe the drool from my cheek, and stumble out of my bed. My vision goes blurry from standing up too fast and for a moment I'm lightheaded. I hold onto the wall to stabilize myself and laugh at myself a little bit. I didn't mean to fall asleep. It just kind of... happened.

More banging at the door makes its way to my ears, and I shove the tiny tablet I'd fallen asleep staring at underneath my pillow.

I open the door and Nad looks up at me, smiling. It quickly fades as she looks me over.

"Why aren't you ready?" She gasps.

I wipe my face with my hand, and stretch.


Today's the ceremony.

"I forgot."

Nad looks at me like I just told her the sky was green.

In my defense, it could be programed to be.

I stare at her for a moment while I let my brain catch up, and then wave her inside. She rushes in and sits down at my small table, her fingers already gliding over her device.

"You don't even have a dress picked out, do you?" She asks, not even glancing up from the tablet. The question was rhetorical.

I sigh and grab my tablet off of the kitchen counter, taking a seat in the chair right across from Nad. I shift through dozens of slightly flickering pictures of dresses on the website you order the dresses from, looking for the one that jumps out at me. There are so many different colors and so many different styles, it makes me wonder how someone could choose just one dress. It seems like an impossible feat.

I try to take my time looking through each dress so I don't miss one that I could possibly like, but my brain grows tired of them and I find myself looking at the same one more than once. Who ever thought that this would be fun?

Nad does, I think to myself and smile.

"Do you want your hair up or down?" Nad asks, looking up at me.

"Surprise me," I tell her sleepily.

Can I just pick one at random? Is that an option?

She nods and we both go back to looking through our-my-options.

I look through a few more, and my brain starts to wander. I only have one dress, but I don't think I could wear it. Well, I couldn't, even if I wanted to, I think. It was my moms, and she had given it to me the morning she... you know, left this world.

I've never worn it. Mostly because of the color. It's white.

Civilians are not allowed to wear white because it's the color the Government Officials and the Safeties wear. In our Constitution, it says 'I WILL NOT wear white, for it is the color for Government Officials. This is so that there is no confusion on who to go to if I, or another citizen, is in trouble. Nor shall I wear black at any time unless I am attending a funeral. I shall not disobey the laws of Dome.'

So we don't wear white.

Or black.

The only time we are allowed to wear black is for a funeral. I think, and this is my guess so don't take it as the actual reason, we aren't supposed to wear it because it blends in too well with the background in the dark.

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