Six (Part 2)

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Six (Part 2)

My body hits the ground, and everything goes fuzzy. Little pieces of light swirl around my vision, and my body doesn't want to move. I watch through my watering eyes as the glass seals itself shut, trapping me on the outside of the Domes.

Clumsily, I try to stand, propping myself up against the glass. The girls stare back at me with wide eyes as they cough and try to breathe. Their mouths move as they try to talk to me, but I can't hear anything through the glass.

I gasp in breaths of air as panic settles in, and point to the Dame's Dome.

"Go," I wheeze. "Go!"

They reluctantly begin to run, and I fall to my knees, grasping my chest, closing my eyes, and trying to comprehend what just happened. Trying to forget the pain.

It is done, I hear the fat man in my head. It is done.

"Here," I jump at the sound.

Ken is standing above me, his hand held out.

I glare at him, and then run my hands over each other, looking at the cuts from the regenerative glass. They aren't deep, but they aren't not bleeding either.

"What are you going to do? Pelt me with rocks?"

"Hey, we need you over here!" A voice calls. "Bring the girl!"

"Come on," He says, and tries to take me by the elbow to help me up.

"No," I say, ripping my arm away, and standing shakily by myself.

"We have to go," He says.

"I don't care," I say, rage burning inside of me, and tears threatening to give in to gravity. "The only place I want to go is home."


The sound of motors cuts him off, three airships pulling into the clearing. The crowd of people wearing black clothes that I hadn't seen earlier scatters as light falls upon the grass from the ships.

I start waving my hands. They're Government ships. If they see me, they might save me and take me home. I never knew the day would come where I would want to be back inside that cruddy Dome-

They're firing.

Their shots hit the ground, and throw people everywhere. People are dying.

"No," I whisper.

A shot is fired in my direction.

The Government doesn't kill people like this. Not like this. They don't do this. They can't.

The shots get closer.

No one can be that evil, that malevolent, that violent. Not anymore. No one is like that now. We're built for peace. For happiness. Not war. Not death. Not killing.

Hands grab me, and begin to pull me.

Maybe the ones shooting aren't us. Maybe they're aliens. Other beings. Another government. Another thought. They can't be us. I can't believe that it's us. Our government. My world.


Ken and I are launched into the trees and brush from the impact. I land on my right shoulder, and cry out in pain. My ears ring. The world spins, and my vision goes blurry.

"His name was Peter," Nad said one day while we were working. "My brother."

"That's a strange name," I said, looking up from the control panel we were fixing.

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