Friends. Chapter 2.

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Pidge got fed up with the soldiers yelling and made vines grow to gag them. She made sure it didnt hurt and they could still breath just not yell. Lance clan members just stood in shock as they watching not knowing Pidge was doing this from a tree. Lance just grinned like an idiot knowing it was her and kept trying to find her. Even when a tall women with long fluffy white hair and tan skin tried talking to him, he just kept looking for her in the trees. 

Pidge did want to run over to him and give him a big friendly hug but then she noticed other members coming up to him. One was tall, strong looking and had black hair with a white tuff. He had the black clan markings on the top of his arm. A teen who looks a couple years older then herself stood next to him, he was a darker tan and had dark brown hair. She noticed he had a yellow clan marking on his neck. Then the shorter guy with dark black silky hair and purple eyes guy stood next to lance with his arms crossed, he seemed to be in a mood. Pidge noticed the red clan markings on his left hand. She noticed he was wearing a fingerless glove on his right hand and was now putting the other on his left. Pidge could tell she wouldn't fit in with the group and thought it be best to leave lance with his friends. 

She started to jump from tree to tree again and Lance noticed a certain tree ruffle like wind was hitting it but he knew someone else made it ruffle. He ran straight towards the ruffling trees not caring about the others calling his name. He had someone more fun waiting for him and he knew she be waiting for him all day even if he did never come. Lance ran as fast as he could and soon found where his small river joined the main one, he followed it towards the normal meeting tree. 

"hey" Lance grinned like an idiot as he sat under the tree knowing Pidge was laying on her normal branch in the tree. 

"hey" Pidge smiled and rolled over on her stomach to look down to him, letting her arm hand over the side. 

"that was a nice trick you did" Lance smiled and looked up to meet with hers. 

"trick, what trick" Pidge giggled making lance laugh. 

"thanks for the save" Lance smiled warmly making her smile more. 

"well i am your hero dont forget" Pidge smirked and the two just laughed until Pidge quickly sat up after hearing footsteps. 

"Pidgin" lance said with worry. (its his nickname for her since he wanted to give her a name only he called her).

"shh, someone here" Pidge whisper and Lance felt a tree root wrap around his waist before being pulling up onto a tree branch. 

"see anything" Lance whisper back and the root let him go and just left him sitting on the branch next to Pidge. 

"by the river, around ten steps away and moving towards" Pidge with in a soft voice and she made more tree leaves grow in front of them to help hid them. She didnt want to fight why lance is around, she knew he could fight but she didnt want to put him in danger. 

"Lance, get the fuck out here" a grump voice hissed and lance frowned. 

"friends of yours" Pidge asked as she lifted an eyebrow. 

"sadly" lance sighed and jumped down before lifting his arms up to catch Pidge. 

"are you sure he ran this way" a deeper but kind voice asked. 

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