Betrayed. Chapter 6.

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"how the hell did we end up on the edge of a red clan camp" hunk said freaking out. 

"becuase we here to kidnap the brains but we cant kidnap him if we not in the camp" Keith hissed back. 

"clam down. i know we all unease about going into a red clan strong camp but we rebels now" Shiro said with a worried smile and Pidge stood with lance, Olia and Kolivan. 

"you sure they gonna be ok" Olia asked with worry.

"trust me once we get into the action, they all clam down and be great rebels" Lance said with a small smile.

"next time you plan on lying try not shaking as much as them" Kolivan sighed.

"maybe i should go in alone, it might be better for me to sneak in and out alone" Pidge said with a frown since the others were passed nervous. 

"i wont let you enter the camp alone, its too dangerous" Lance said with fear and placed a hand on Pidge shoulder. 

"this wont be the first time Pidge gone in alone but your friend is right ... we here to help" Olia said with a kind smile and Pidge nodded. 

"time to go, we all meet back at this tree once our missions are done" Kolivan said with a straight face and they all nodded. Hunk, shiro and keith was going to go free any prisoners that were in the camp since they know this camp attack another purple clan not long ago. Olia, lance and Pidge was going to kidnap the brain of the red clan. Kolivan was going to collect info from the leader tent. 

"what do we do if we fail or something goes wrong" Hunk asked since they never said anything.

"run, yell rebel and just run to this tree" Olia said with a small smile. 

"just run, what if we get out numbered" Shiro asked just in case. 

"then we fight, we wont go down without a fight" Keith said proudly.

"you stay alive, even if it means becoming a prisoner or taking another life ... you stay alive" Pidge hissed at them all. 

"dont worry Pidge, they might be idiots but they wont die on you so easily" Lance smiled at his friend who smiled back before they all went their own ways. 

"you think this mission is going to go well, the red clan wont let the one person they want dead just take the brains" Keith said with worry. 

"this mission is just too dangerous for the number of people we have, this is a full army camp that full of soldiers but i feel like this is a plan to trap the spy" Shiro said with worry.

"the spy, you think she using this as bait to trap the spy but why would pidge risk lives when she hates senseless deaths" Hunk said with worry.

"becuase if the spy someone close to her then they know she wouldn't waste deaths and would give up her own life to save the rest of us .. Pidge is doing the one thing she hates to catch the spy" Keith said with a frown. 

"she picked us knowing we wouldn't just die and would become prisoners to stay alive for her ... she knows we stay cool and be smart around the clan if the mission fails" Shiro sighed. 

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