Bad News. Chapter 8.

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"Pidge" Romelle yelled with worry and ran at her with full speed, Pidge moving out the way making Romelle hug jump at hunk instead. 

"lets calm down and talk" Hunk said with a kind smile.

"its not looking good, those two prisoners you bought it might be more trouble for us then it seems" rolo said with worry.

"Allura and Lotor, tell me what happened" Pidge said as she pulled her small food bag off and thrown into a small basket before following the small group of rebels and the other following her. 

"the team was able to help the east but they caught a soldier who seemed to have gotten injured and was left to die, they heard him talk about how the king son went missing and he been blaming .. well our spy looked into it before sending us a pic and that lotor guy is the prince" Coran said with worry and everyone stood in shock.

"lotor soon to be husband is the king son who we kidnap" keith yelled and coran just nodded. 

"if the king learns that rebels took his son then he might start attacking towns or small look out rebels without mercy but if we let lotor go then he could tell everyone where we are and our plans" Nyma said with worry. 

"should we hand him over and keep allura hoping he wont grass on us" Shiro asked with worry.

"even if we keep allura, if he grass on us and tells the king about this base then we crushed in seconds along with any other base they link to us ... we burn any info before the breach our base but we dont know if any other rebels let base slips during a chat or something" Olia said with a frown and crossed his arm. 

"pidge" Lance asked with worry as she stood looking to her feet. 

"Shit" Pidge hissed and walked out the room to cool down. 

"i guess she didnt take the news so well" Plaxum asked as she shay and rax walked in.

"how would you take the news about being the person to kidnap the king son and be the person who brings down the rebels after building them up this far" Rax hissed and crossed his arms.

"should we try and talk with her .. ah no she might end up killing us" shay said with worry. 

"pidge will be fine, she strong and she the reason the rebels are still standing .. lets just give her some air" rolo said with a kind smile.

"she always comes up with a plan and helps us all out .. she needs time to think" Nyma smiled. 

"but she never kidnap the king son before and many people could die over that fact" Plaxum said with a frown.

"not helping to calm the mood" Shay sighed. 

"why dont we kill him and just leave his body somewhere" Rax asked with a frown.

"Pidge wont kill for no reason and letting the king find his son dead might make things worse" Coran sighed. 

"well since bad news all depressed us all, Kolivan died in battle as a hero, he died protecting Pidge and all of us ... pass it over the radio to let the others know" Olia said with a frown and everyone faces went pale at the news of a lost one.


"where do you think your going" matt asked as Lance was slowly moving to the door while the others were busy.

"dont go sneaking off to check on her, she needs space" Keith sighed. 

"how do you know that, Pidge might be the leader of the rebels, she might be the reason so many people are alive, the reason why no one dies during a mission but she still carries such a heavy burden and sometimes needs someone to catch her when she falls ... i promise her i would always catch her in the good and the bad" Lance frowned before walking out. 

"i wont help him if she kills him" shiro sighed. 

"you think Pidge can still save everyone becuase i dont see a happy ending after finding lotor to be the prince" Hunk said with worry.

"have faith ... pidge has always saved her in the hardest of times .. have faith in her" Romelle smiled and the others smiled back. Matt sneak out of the side room while the others smiled. 

"pidgin" Lance said with worry as he found her sitting in a corner.

"go away" Pidge hissed. 

"like i do that" Lance chuckled and sat next to the girl, pulling into her chest as he held her. 

"i messed up" Pidge frowned.

"we all do" Lance smiled. 

"but i might be the reason why the rebels are destroyed" Pidge said as tears started to fall.

"pidge your the smarted person i know, it might seem impossible but i know you think of a plan to save us all and i be standing right next to you all the way" Lance smiled softly and Pidge looked to him.

"thanks lance, i needed that" Pidge weakly smiled and hugged her friend. 

"no worries pidgin, i always be here to catch you and remind you how good your heart truly is" Lance smiled and Pidge frown, she wasn't as good as lance thinks. 

"just make sure your heart doesn't get tainted by this war" Pidge said with a small smile and lance grinned. 

"why worried my heart might not good in black" Lance joked.

"nah your heart the perfect colour since its make you perfect" Pidge smiled warmly and closed her eyes not seeing lance blush. 

"why couldn't you just give up" Matt said with worry as he watched lance and Pidge. 

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