River. Chapter 1.

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Six colour clans and five powers make the world. Each colour clan has small camps around the world to help use their power for others who may call for them. The strongest colour clan is known at the green clan. They have the power to control plants and have healing powers. The second powerful clan is the red clan. They have the power to control fire and is the most ruthless clan out of them all. The third is the blue clan. They control water and water stones, they mostly keep themselves and hide from other clans. Fourth is the Black clan, they control shadows and mostly protect purple clans. Fifth is the yellow clan, they control light and know to be great cooks. Sixth is the purple clan, they just normal humans who have no powers.  

"no i wont run, I'm going to fight" Katie yelled at her brother as they stood inside the hut. 

"its too dangerous, they killing everyone" Matt yelled back.

"i dont care i wont run and leave you to fight alone" Katie yelled back.

"Katie this isn't a game, the red clan is here to destroy us" Matt said with a frown.

"then its time to fight back and show them just who they fighting" Katie hissed.

"please Katie just run, i buy you enough time" matt begged.

"living a life that given to me by my own brother death is not something i want, I'm going to fight and we both getting out of this alive" Pidge said with a frown and looked to her brother who sighed in defeat.

"fine but if i say its too dangerous then you must run .. no matter what" matt sighed and Katie nodded.  

The two siblings fought back the red clan small army that was sent to wipe them out and helped protect as many of their people as they could. Helping as many children to the woods around their camp they could they made a defence wall of tree's giving them a small break to rest. 

"those animals" Matt hissed as he looked around the part of the camp they hid in and saw all those who were killed. Their own kind clan members laying dead from being burned to slashed by swords. 

"they pay for what they did" Katie hissed and felt the Red clan breaking down the tree wall. She grabbed her brother hand and started running into the woods, hoping to escape safely since they gave the children and other members a good amount of time to run. 

Katie tripped over something making her and her brother fall. She turned to her foot and saw the thing she tripped over was bodies from the clan. The people they saved and kept buying time for was all around them .. stone dead. 

"no" Matt said and placed a hand over his mouth trying to stay quiet. 

"but how" Katie whisper then heard footsteps heading their way. She looked at the bodies once more before grabbing her brother hand and started running again. 

"Katie, this way" Matt called and started to lead her to the edge of the woods and a cliff. 

"are you crazy" Katie said with fear, this was the place they would sneak out to see the stars but it was one of the most deadly places to be. 

"a little, lets jump" Matt said as they stood by the edge. 

"we have a higher chance of dying from jumping then fighting with the red clan" Katie said with worry. 

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