Prisoners . Chapter 3.

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"I'm a rebel now" Lance said with a grin as he, Pidge and keith stood in front of the others. 

"wha, keith why didnt you stop him from being an idiot" Hunk said with worry. 

"I became a rebel too" Keith said proudly with his arms crossed. 

"why did we let keith go stop lance from doing something stupidly deadly when he wants to die himself" Shiro sighed and placed his head in his hand. (shiro only got one real arm and then he using his shadow powers to make another arm for himself but others can put their hands straight through his shadow arm).

"undo this now or i will show you how skilled i am with my clam magic" Allura yelled with anger and glared at Pidge who stood in the middle of the two boys without care. 

"oh you wanna see skill" Pidge grinned and glared back until Lance quickly placed his hand over her glasses and step between the two girls with his back to allura. 

"be nice we cant have you killing anyone so close to my clan, my mama would die from shock if she saw the pretty green grass covered in blood" Lance said with a low voice since he knew Pidge wouldn't go easy on his childhood friend. 

"he worried about his mama seeing stained grass instead of allura fighting" Hunk whisper to shiro with worry. 

"everyone fears their mothers, i cant blame the guy" shiro sighed. 

"tell me about it, i rather face the red clan army then my mother" Keith sighed. 

"yeah mum can be deadly scary" Pidge said with a frown and cool down while lance moved his hand away and stood next to her again. 

"we be leaving with pidge to go to a rebel base near by, he been fighting against the red clan the last year and a little before then, he made a army of rebels and save many lives making some clans camps take us in for some nights or help out .... I'm gonna help win this war becuase i believe we can win thanks to Pidge" Lance said proudly and eyes for of determine and placed a hand on Pidge shoulder. 

"I'm the same, i not seen him truly fight yet but he smart, smart enough to live this long while making a army and bases all around that full of rebels who want to fight .. many clan camps know of him as the last true green making him a hero in their eyes .. I'm going to fight with him and win a war that we can win" Keith said proudly as he placed his hand on Pidge other shoulder. 

"i bring them back alive but i hear your all seen what the red clan can do, i hold my hand not to soldiers but to friends who i wish to fight side by side to bring back peace and love to this world" Pidge said with a small proud smile and eyes full of hope as she reached a hand out. 

"how can we even trust you, why should we fight a silly little battle for you" Allura hissed. 

"my clan camp is long go and i seen many more camps be attacked for no reason, I'm willing to carry the burden of having bloody hands so our children can play freely on a planet full off love and peace but I'm happy to carry that burden alone if you wish to keep a blind eye" Pidge said with a soft voice and shiro took her hand before shaking it, shocking the others. 

"i know i can trust someone who knows of the burden to carry bloody hands and will still fight for others ... please let me join the rebels" Shiro said with a small smile and Pidge nodded making him stand next to keith. 

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