Won. Chapter 10.

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No one knew how or when but the rebels won. The defeated the king of the red clan and won peace back. 

No one believed it at first but the won.

The long, bloody and horrifying battle lasted for hours without break. Bodies was mix on the ground and no one knew who blood was who anymore. The injured how no clue where they got injured and kept fighting until they dropped or was dragged away.

No one fought the harsh battle without getting hurt. They all had a couple cuts, bruises or deep wounds that needed to be checked.

One minute you could hear yells and cries and then you heard cheers. The red king body was dragged to the middle of the battle grounds for all to see. The war was done, everyone was free from fighting. 

Those who you tried to kill was now your friend and gave you a helping hand to walk to the medic beds. Those enemy you just killed is now a brother from another mother. Those who still stood was hero's to other clans. 

They all fought for different reasons and now they could be free from such burdens. 

Beers and food passed around in every clan to celebrate the ending of such a long war. Families smiled as their love ones returned while others cried over no one returning. 

Everyone watched as Lotor shook hands with Pidge and lance promising a better future from the red clan.

Everyone watched as the five different clans friends hugged with joy at their victory. 

Everyone watched at the five laughed and chatted all night before warm smiles got bought out. The war was done and each member had a home waiting for them. 

Keith promised to keep an eye on Lotor why he helps rebuild other clans camps that got destroyed.

Shiro had promised to help stop anyone who still tried fighting back for power before returning to his love one.

Hunk promised to send them all his cooking once a month as he returned to his jolly family.

Allura and Lotor would marry to show that they will bring a life of peace not war for power. 

Matt said he was going to help keith rebuild homes and keep an eye on the red clan but everyone knew he wanted to stay with keith. 

Pidge kept her promise to lance and free his family. She watched him laugh and grin as he was surrounded by his love ones. He was going home with them. He had his family back. 

The rebels all cried over their memories since it would be the last night before they all went their different ways. The rebels was no longer needed and all had a placed waiting for them to return too making it a happy crying ending. 

Pidge watched with a smile as she saw all those around her with loves one or friends. Telling stories and talking about their hopeful future. 

Pidge turned when she heard her brother laugh and talking him with keith. Well more like he and keith was flirting but too shy to go further. Pidge couldn't let a small giggle out as she watched them act like school girls. Lucky for her Olia was around and bumped into matt making him kiss keith before she went back with talking to another rebel. 

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