Jealous. Chapter 5.

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"did i say something" Lance whispered as they walk walked with Pidge up ahead still annoyed. 

"no shit" Keith hissed back, since he knew lance could be an idiot but not that much of an idiot to flirt with any girl while Pidge was next to him. 

"I'm with lance, i dont understand why Pidge is so upset, he suddenly got annoyed before we left ... oh do you think he worried for his friend" Hunk said with worry and Keith rolled his eyes. he forgot that they all think Pidge is a guy thanks to lance. 

"I'm sure he worried about his friend hunk but i think he might have been annoyed over another reason" Shiro said with a small smile. 

"we need to quicken our pace, we want to attack their camp tonight" Pidge yelled as she stood with a hand on her hip. 

"got it" Hunk smiled. 

"hey pidgin" Lance said with a awkward smile. 

"shiro mind staying at the back and keep an eye on our ass's in case their traps" Pidge asked totally ignoring Lance making him frown. 

"sure thing" Shiro said with a smile and patted Lance arm. 

"when do you think they move your friend" Keith asked as he walked beside Pidge. 

"they move him early in the morning since no one would try to fight as the sun starts to rize, that why we going to attack tonight, mid darkness" Pidge grinned. 

"wow, you really think about everything when it comes to your rebel side .. that so cool" Lance said with a grin and went to put his arm around Pidge but she step forward. 

"just give him some space" Shiro said with a frown as Lance sulked. 

"did i miss something" Hunk asked and pidge looked to him puzzled so he smiled. 


"we need a distraction since that more then just a little army" Hunk said with worry as it was more then a small group of soldiers. 

"do we have anything to use a distraction. 

"dont worry, Pidge already on it" Keith said with a worried smile and pointed to Pidge who was walking straight to the wide awake soldiers. 

"Pidge" Lance whisper yelled with fear. 

"Halt" a red clan soldier yelled as Pidge walked over. 

"hello in the rebel pidge and I'm also the missing green clan member you been sent to kill ... nice to meet ya" Pidge grinned and silence filled the area before orders of attack was yelled. Pidge wink at her friends to go get Olia. 

"Olia, Pidge sent us to save you" Shiro said with a small smile as Keith untied the rebel.

"Pidge" Olia said with a sigh of relief. 

"now lets hurry and get you to safety, i dont know how long Pidge is gonna last" Hunk said with a worried smile and helped the guy up. 

"um i dont think we need to worry about Pidge" Keith said with a small voice as the others turned around to see most of the soldiers passed out and tied up or just tied up by roots and plants. 

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