Dance. Chapter 9.

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"drink, drink up" Rolo laughed as everyone was having a small party and Pidge even got some rebels to buy some beer to drink.

"you call that drinking, do it like this" Nyma laughed and took a mouthful from her cup. 

"come dance its fun" Plaxum laughed as she shook her body to the beat being played by rover and beezer. 

"how is dancing fun" rax complained but still danced. 

"wow this food really great" Shay grinned as she tried some of hunk cooking.

"you could always join me the kitchen why i bake next" Hunk asked with a smile and blushed.

"move your hips more" Romelle laughed as she was trying to get shiro dance.

"i might be older then you but i know how to move" shiro laughed as he got into the music.

"how the hell can you move so well" Coran said shocked as keith street dance.

"just move to the beat and let it take over your body" Keith laughed as he street dance.

"are you sure its rise to let everyone party in the base and even let the prisoners to join" Xi asked with worry as he sip some of his beer.

"the alarm would go off if they tried to sneak out, so just have fun" Pidge smiled and patted Xi as he started to drive and kept walking down the halls moving around all the drunken rebels and dancing mess's.

"how can you move so well and lose" Lotor asked impressed as Lance was street dancing like he had no bones. 

"my bones hurt just watching" Matt laughed as he danced with allura.

"lets just go wild" Allura cheered since she already drank too much.

"now that the best idea ever" Olia laughed and sip her beer before dancing next to matt. 

"came to show your moves" Lance smirked as he spotted Pidge.

"i dont dance" Pidge laughed and lance did the slid to her. 

"oh just let lose, let the beer take over as you dance" Matt grinned.

"just move you hips to the beat" Lance grinned and held pidge hand after she placed down her cup. He help rock her side to side until her hips was moving themselves.

"this might not be so bad" Pidge smiled.

"you can move, now lets get wild" Lance laughed pulling Pidge in the middle to dance more.

"oh god" Pidge laughed as lance street dance and did moves she could join in with until they were dancing together with grins and laughs. 

"who knew lance could dance let along get pidge to dance" shiro grinned as they all watched while doing their own dances.

"go join them, show off" Coran laughed as he pushed Keith towards lance and Pidge and watched as keith danced weirdly with them. 

"this is so worth the hang over in t he morning" Romelle cheered. 

"wow this stuff it great, its so tasty" Hunk grinned as he tried some of the beer while badly dancing with shay.

"i know something a lot tastier" Shay smirked and pulled Hunk into a kiss before making out with him. 

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