Base. Chapter 4.

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Pidge led the group into a tree with hole that had steps made into the ground and led them to a underground base, glowing flowers all around to shine the rooms and halls up. Rebels all stood and saluted Pidge with grins as she walked past before going back to how they were. The others just looked amazed at how everyone smiled once seeing Pidge and how well bade the base was. 

"this way please" Pidge grinned and held some hanging vines with flowers to the side showing the door. They all walked in with Allura and Lotor standing behind with rover keeping an eye on them. The two was still rooted up. 

"pidge this place is amazing" lance said with a huge grin and placed a hand on Pidge hand. 

"I hope so, number five here made the base herself ... this is the first ever rebel base she formed and made" a ginger guy said with a bright smile as he walked into the room with others behind him. 

"you made this, wow" Shiro couldn't help but smile at her work. 

"just dont get too distracted and get lost, it might be hand made but its still huge" a tall girl with pony tails said with a smile. 

"she not wrong, nice to meet you guys .. Pidge sent us a warning about new rebels and prisoner's. I'm rolo, this is my lover Nyma and this guy is coran" a tall guy with goggles on his head said with a grin. 

"nice to meet you, I'm hunk, this is lance, that shiro, he keith and our friend allura with her lover lotor" Hunk said with a kind smile.

"PIDGE WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH" Romelle cheered as she ran into the room and went to hug Pidge who moved out the way making the blonde girl run straight into Coran instead. 

"hello beezer, was you a good boy while I was gone" Pidge smiled and stroked a huge bird with red, green, yellow, black and blue feathers. 

"why dose it seem you always miss beezer more then anyone else, boss" a huge scary looking guy sighed as he walked in with a dark skin teen.

"stop calling me Boss Kolivan .. your more the leader type and I trust you to lead them while I'm out" Pidge sighed and rolled her eyes. 

"Kolivan is just like a worrying father when your not around, he always wondering if your gonna come back or not and what would happen to the rebels if you dont return after missions" the tan boy said with a grin and high fived Pidge.

"well isn't it your job to keep an eye on everyone and keep them clam while I'm out Adam" Pidge grinned and Adam just waved a hand at her.

"so, why are we all in this room and why are we being looked over by Kolivan" Keith asked as Kolivan was looking them all over. 

"dont worry he just seeing how useful you are or if we can trust you and if not then he kill you in your sleep" Adam said with a kind smile making Hunk gulp.

"Pidge, where the couple you need me to lock up and place a tracker on" Xi asked with a small smile since he was in charge of looking after any prisoners and placing small trackers on them to make sure they dont leave the base.

"please be gentle with them" Hunk asked with a small smile.

"dont worry, we treat them the same as we treat our friends as long as they dont try to escape then they be fine but White lion will make sure to keep them in the base" Xi smiled kindling and picked up the handle to walk Allura and Lotor out.

"right now they gone, we need to talk about our water base .. it seem a small red clan army is camping not far from the base and the rebel cant leave without risking of being seen" Rolo said with worry as he pointed to the place on a map that was placed on a wooden table. 

"Olia has been captured by the same small group, he was on his way back and bumped into them by mistake, luckily his team mates wasn't caught and was able to run to the base to warn them all but if we dont move fast they take him to the main red clan camp" Nyma said with worry and Pidge nodded.

"most of our attack teams are on missions and the other bases wont make it in time, we need to try and put a small team together for this but we dont have enough numbers inside the base since most left for their own missions already" Coran said with worry.

"why dont you let us go, we could prove our trust to you by saving your friend" Keith asked with his arms crossed.

"you think we leave our friend life in strangers hands just becuase you want to prove trust" Kolivan hissed.

"clam down, these guys are a lot stronger then they look and with the number your shown me I think they could handle this battle with me, I need you guys to stay here and protect this base until the others returned" Pidge said with a small smile and Beezer brushed his beak on her cheek.

"understood number five but please be careful, the brains prisoner we heard rumours about seem to be true and helped them with a new type of trap" Coran said with worry and ruffled Pidge hair.

"dont worry, I be back before your know it with our friend and you guys can party all night" Pidge smirked making the others smile.

"when shall we head out" Shiro asked with his arms crossed.

"we give you a rebel bag with some food and water but we need you to head out straight away" Adam said with a small smile.

"dont worry we bring your friend back, any friends of Pidgin in a friend of mine" Lance grinned proudly.

"oh is this the guy you keep sneaking out too every month, man I should have followed if his clan looked this good" Romelle grinned and Pidge sighed.

"well you can come see me as much as you want miss" Lance smirked and kissed Romelle hand with Pidge rolled her eyes with a pout. 

"rover time to head out" Pidge hissed and walked out the room first while another rebel bought the others a small bag with food and water for them all. Lance was stuck carrying his and Pidge but didnt mind. The five walked out a different entrance to the base and started heading to rescue Olia.

"is it me or did number five seem upset all of a suddenly" Coran asked after knowing she and the others left.   

"well you cant blame the girl, she had been visiting the same flirt guy for over a year and finally brings him to meet the rest then Romelle speaks" Nyma sighed feeling sorry for Pidge who was excited to let the others meet the man she speaks so fondly over. 

"I dont understand, did something happen to make her so upset" Kolivan asked with worry.

"you really dont understand a women heart" Rolo sighed and held his lover hand. 

"I just feel sorry for the poor lad who caught Pidge eye, she a hard but easy one to understand" Adam said with a small smile.

"All I said was how I wished I went with her since they were all good looking, how did I upset her" Romelle pouted. 

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