Dream Launch

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Fingertips traced the edge of the freshly made card, it's surface still new and glossy. Chocolate brown eyes scanned it's contents, lips pulling into a smile.

Liu Yang Yang (刘扬扬)

Liu Yang Yang (刘扬扬)

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D.O.B: 10/10/00
Nationality: Taiwanese-German
Background: Came from a middle class family and dreamt of being a racer, enjoying go-karting when he was younger. His parents soon went bankrupt, abandoning him so he could live a better life. He was soon taken in by a wealthy family. He graduated with a degree in engineering.

Yang Yang held his driver's license close, still giddy at the fact that he was legally allowed to drive.

He flopped down on his race-car shaped bed, driver's license still held over his heart. He stared at the ceiling, mind already filling with images of himself in the driver's seat of an F1 car.

He was always fascinated by cars, their design, speed, how they worked. It was his life. The only reason he got his degree was so that even if he couldn't race cars, he could always fix them. A solid backup plan if you asked him.

His phone screen lit up, a familiar jingle filling Yang Yang's car themed room. A groan escaped his mouth, knowing fully well who was calling him. Sitting up, he reached for his phone, a familiar name displayed on the screen. Swiping, he answered the call.


"Hi, yes, did you forget about your interview?"


A sigh was heard from the other end of the line. Yang Yang could already feel the disapointment seeping through his phone.

"Ok, I'll be back in 2 minutes. Be at the porch by then."

And with that, the number hung up, leaving the boy alone in his room.
Yang Yang scrolled aimlessly through his feed, occasionally giggling at memes. His back was against a pillar, his suit and tie messily thrown on, wrinkled and not ironed.

The satisfying crunch of gravel filled the air as a pitch black limo pulled up at the porch. The driver's door swung open, and out came a sharp looking guy, eyes covered by sunglasses.

The man made his way to the back door, pulling it open and gesturing for Yang Yang to get in.

Yang Yang stepped in, expression indifferent, bored almost. The door closed behind him, the man sitting at the driver's seat again.

"Yang Yang, you've got to learn to be responsible. I'm not always here to baby you," a voice spoke, obviously annoyed.

"I'm trying, Kun-ge."

Qian Kun (钱锟)

Qian Kun (钱锟)

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D.O.B: 1/1/96
Nationality: Chinese
Background: Born into wealth and was spoilt by his parents. He only learned to grow up when his parents adopted Yang Yang. He grew up to inherit millions and is now the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, but rumours have surfaced that he's associated with the mafia.

"Well it doesn't seem like it," Kun spoke, dissatisfaction evident in his tone.

Throughout the years, Kun has tried his best to be a good role-model for his brother, but nothing has worked. Yang Yang still acted like a child, depending on Kun and their parents for money, just to spend it on useless (in Kun's opinion) objects and merchandise.

"Says the person who depends on the mafia all the time."

Kun opened his mouth to speak, but closed it when he realised that he couldn't argue.

Yes, he worked with the mafia, NCT to be exact. He wasn't proud of that fact, but he gave his word. And he's scared to admit it, but, he's starting to actually root for them.
The car ride was silent, painfully devoid of sound, just the occasional "How long till we get there?" from Yang Yang.

His interview didn't go well either, Yang Yang's clothes and fatigue obviously contributing to that matter.

It frustrated him. Why was he like this? Why couldn't he just grow up? Was it because of the lack of an actual childhood? Or was it just his attitude?

Either way, this wasn't getting him anywhere. 9 interviews and still no job. Yang Yang saw the problem. 7 expulsions from 7 different high schools didn't look good on paper at all.

This wasn't going to let him race. None of this would lead to his dream job. So the question was, what did?

Yang Yang lingered on a thought, now sprawled on his bed, midnight already passing. The thought stayed longer than he should've, but it seemed to be his only choice. Sure, he had other, safer and more logical, options, but being safe and logical was never exciting.

Soon, Yang Yang was typing away at his computer, multiple tabs and windows pulled up on his 2 monitors. He had to know more about them, about NCT. He knew almost nothing about them, and so did the world. He just knew that Kun worked with them, an associate.

His tired eyes scanned the tabs, eyelids already feeling weighted and heavy. It was 2am, and still nothing, other than the heists that they've planned.

9th April 2016: The Bangkok Hacking
- NCT hacked into one of Thailand's richest corporations, stealing about $50 million USD worth of money.

7th July 2016: The Robbery of Seoul's Weaponry
- a silent heist, undetected until 1 day after.
- NCT stole thousands of assault weapons, from simple handguns to AK-47s.

25th August 2016: The Buried Bomb
- NCT's deadliest heists
- they detonated a bomb underneath an apartment in Vancouver, which the owner was thought to be their debtor.
- body count: 98 found dead, 18 injured but only 5 survived.

Yang Yang paused for a minute, re-thinking his thoughts of joining such a deadly group. Surely, there had to be another way. Surely, he didn't have to be associated with murderers.

But something in him seemed to draw him towards these people. He felt, well, he just simply felt intrigued by them, that's all...right?

He decided to continue reading, his eyes suddenly wide open with interest. He went over the screens, an article catching his eye. As he clicked on it, the screen loaded, revealing the article. Yang Yang gulped as he read the title:

NCT's greatest crime:

18th April 2018: The Blackout
- the world's power was shut down for just 9 seconds, but NCT managed to steal a total of $1 billion USD from banks around the globe during that short period of time.

"Okayyyy...I think that's enough internet for one day," Yang Yang muttered, closing the tabs and windows as he shut down his PC.

What was he thinking? He couldn't get involved with them. They literally stole from the entire world! Who does that?! And for what reason?!

Yang Yang flopped down on his bed, head still running wild. Even with all this, the world's leaders still couldn't find them. He couldn't wrap his head around it. It's all so...so confusing.

Closing his eyes, he decided that sleeping might clear his clouded mind, but one thought still lingered, eating away at what sanity he had left:

"Join them."


Hi yes, welcome to my new obsession, Neo Crackhead Technology. Now i'll keep this short:

Give me criticism if you want to. I really need it.

I've hidden some references in the crimes that NCT has/will commit, so keep your peepers peeled.

Ok bye.

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