Try Again

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"Get a move on, kid."

Yang Yang couldn't believe it, his eyes widening. Was he not good enough? He tied with Lucas, a professional, in the race. Was that not enough? He stared at Taeyong in disbelief, who only scrolled through his phone in response.

When he noticed the boy still sat in his chair, the both of them back in his office, he raised his eyebrow.

"What? If you're gonna be a trainee, you're gonna have to stay here. I already have your room set up in the dorms. Go find the Dreamies, they'll show you the way."

A sigh of relief left the boy, a small smile playing on his lips. A smirk spread across Taeyong's face as he watched Yang Yang stand, thanking him before exiting the room, leaving the boss himself alone in his office.
"I WON!!!"

Chenle let his phone clank on the glass coffee table, the screen displaying the words 'Winner Winner Chicken Dinner'.

"Keep it down, Lele," Haechan huffed, leaning back in defeat on the black leather seats, his other members sighing or groaning as Chenle jumped around in victory.

"Sometimes I wonder if he's a hacker or a gunman," Jaemin commented, pouting. He had died earlier in the game, which didn't come as a surprise to him, he hasn't been playing all that much anyway.

"Yeah, considering all his wins in this damned game, he could very well be a gunman like Jisung-ie," Mark added, downing the last of his soda.

"Didn't Chenle teach Jisung how to hack during their spare time?"


"Yup, apparently he's already pretty good at it too."

"Oh my god, finally. I've been looking all over for you guys," a voice sighed in relief. Yang yang walked up to the 7 boys, who greeted them with smiles.

He placed his bag down on one of the leather chairs in the lounge, the footsteps and chatter of other employees filling the atmostphere around them.

"So, I assume you're in?" Haechan started, leaning forward in anticipation.

"Yup, I'm gonna be a trainee. To be frank here, I don't even know how I convinced him to let me join."

"Speaking of which, we're supposed to show you to your dorm, but we have time, why don't we hang out a bit?" Mark suggested, the others nodding in agreement.

"Sure, what're we gonna do?"

The group fell silent, obviously not having thought that through. They could go out, do some shopping, grab lunch, maybe even head to the arcade. Jaemin was allowed out now, just as long as he wears a mask, so why not?

"You play PUBG?" Chenle asked.

"Oh you bet."

And so, the plans for going out were just slightly delayed for a few rounds of gaming. Oh, and Chenle won every match, of course.
The 8 boys walked the local mall for almost 2 hours, occasionally stopping to buy drinks or clothing items. Yang Yang had warmed up to each member, but still stuck to Renjun, who he just felt the most comfortable with.

But of course, there was still one person he hadn't completely settled things with just yet. Their tension and awkwardness towards the other would bother the other 6 at times, and so they had a discussion about it.

"They literally will not talk to each other," Haechan huffed in frustration, the others nodding. They looked over at the two, who were sitting next to each other, in a cafe, both on their phones, waiting for the other boys to come back from their 'toilet break'.

"So, what do we do?" Jisung asked, tugging at the strings of his hoodie.

"I say we set them up."

"You're making it sound like a date, Jeno," Renjun laughed, "but that could work."

"We could play laser tag, and put them in one team."

"Chenle, it's like 7pm. I promised Taeyong-hyung to get Yang to his dorm by 8," Mark added.

"Well, then maybe we could-"

"Shhh wait, they're talking." Jisung clasped a hand over Chenle's mouth, hushing him, much to the other's annoyance.
Yang Yang scrolled aimlessly through tumblr, trying his best to avoid any physical or eye contact with Jaemin. No, he didn't hate him, if anything, he wanted to be friends again. Or, were they still friends? Emotions are wierd and confusing. He could talk to Jaemin, start a nice, friendly conversation, but does he have the confidence? Hardly.

Nana, on the other hand, had the sense of guilt weighing in on his shoulders ever since he saw Yang. It was like a sinking feeling in his chest, accompanied with a splitting headache. He'd never felt so bad about anything before, and that's coming from a wanted gang member. The death of his gang's victims should weigh more than the guilt of leaving a friend, but yet, it crushed him to see Yang again after what he'd done.


Jaemin looked up from his phone, rather taken aback.

" are, uh, things?"

Yang Yang could already feel the sweat forming on his palm. Well that was a generic question. And it's not like it was obvious already.

"Well," Jaemin started, turning off his phone, "things...could be better."

Yang Yang nodded in response, not knowing what else to say. They made eye contact, but broke it as soon as possible. Chenle swore he could feel the awkwardness from where he was.

"Ok, I'm just gonna say it. I'm so, so sorry."

Yang Yang was surprised by Nana's straightforward apology, looking up at the boy.

"Things weren't too good at home, and I think you knew that, but one day, it just got so much worse. I don't wanna get into the details, but I broke on that day. So I decided to run away, and along with Jeno, I found NCT. I, for once. Not exactly the word you'd use to describe a gang but yeah, you get the gist."

The two stayed silent once again. But this time it wasn't as bad.

"But you could've told me."

A thousand words ran through Jaemin's mind, searching for the right ones to use, before finally landing on some.

"I thought you'd be disappointed in me."


"For being weak, for choosing to run away like a coward, for joining a gang, doing crimes and killing innocent people. Aren't you mad at me?"

Jaemin paused to catch his breath.

"Don't you hate me?"
Yang Yang could feel the distress in Jaemin's voice, the other's eyebrows knit together in desperation.

"No. No, I don't hate you, nor am I mad. And I'm not really disappointed in you for those things. I'm more bothered that you didn't tell me that in the first place."

They looked at each other again, but kept the eye contact. A smile crept onto Jaemin's face, slowly revealing his toothy grin.

"I've missed you, y'know?"

Yang Yang's own smile spread across his face, a small chuckle escaping.

"Same here, Nana."


Yo hey ok im still alive yeeeeaa

Exams and stuff have been in the way so it's been slow. Also writer's block, a lot of that.

So sorry there weren't new members this round, but I'll make up for it in the next chap. I'm literally gonna hurl a bunch of them at you, so prepared to be hit with some gifs as usual ;)

But ok y'know how i have song titles as my chapter names? Yeah, should I link the songs in the top of the title thing, or in the actual chapter?

Oki byeee

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