Disappearances and Deception

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Sympathetic Deceit; I regret nothing



I walked up to Roman's room. I'll get Virge next!  "Ro, dinner!" I knocked on his door. No response. "Roman?" I opened the door. It was unlocked. I walked in and flipped the light switch on. "Roman? Maybe he's in the Imagination...." I was about to walk out when a note on Roman's desk caught my eye. I grabbed it and read it. "LOGAN?!"


It was a normal day, you know, and then I get word from Virgil him and Roman were coming back. So that was cool. Then Envy and Apathy and caught some stuff on fire. So that part was pretty normal. And now I'm here, in front of Patton and Logan, who were freaking out about me and the Dark Sides "kidnapping" Virgil and Roman.

"-And that's one of the many reasons kidnapping is wrong-"

"-Usually you don't seem to be the kind to do this-"

"-Also we don't get to say goodbye?! I swear-"

"-What's the ransom you want-"

"WAIT! What grounds do you have that we kidnapped them?" I'll keep my kings' secret for as long as possible. It's what I'm best at.

"This note! And the fact that you're a Dark Side."

I took the note and read it. It read int Virgil's messy handwriting; DaRk SiDeS. ByE.

They didn't have the deceny to sign the damn thing? Ugh, reckless kings. "I do not recognise this note, but it looks as if Virgil wrote it," I said.

"What?! You can't be serious! Virgil would never go to you 'Dark Sides' purposefully."

"Morality, don't you unersta-"

"Yes you must have taken them! So give them back to us or else I'll-" I held my hands up in surrender.

"Patton there's no need to resort to violence."

"Y-yeah. No need for violence! I- in fact, I can take you to were they are!" The two stared at me. Logan was probably trying to see if I'm lying. "But you'd have to trust me. And we'd have to go to the 'Dark Scape'." Patton and Logan talked quietly and decided. I thought maybe this would convince them not to come with me.

"Alright, we'll go."

"Wait what?!"

AND I SHALL END THE CHAPTER THERE!!! HAHAAHAHAH I have too much free time so I'm spending it trying to finish this story before school starts. I know it's a short chappter, the next chapter's probably gonna be kinda short too... But Oh well! Have fun, Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals! ✌Peace Out!✌

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