Cursed Light (Pt. III)

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 After I passed out, I woke up in a dark, shadowy landscape, floating as there was no real ground. I did it! Now, time to find Virgil and Roman's moral center. I floated around the shadowy feild, seeing some creepy-crawly-death-dealers along the way, until I was about ready to give up.

It seemed hopeless, after all, it shouldn't be this hard to find Virgil and Roman's subconsious selves/emotional center. Especially for Morality, but it was! If only I knew where to find them.... I took a break and sat down by a shelf that was floating around aimlessly. I fiddled with my sweatshirt and sighed. I was about to give up when I saw a familiar creepy-crawly-death-dealer- er, Virgil's "pet".

I stood and walked after it, careful to keep my distance. Aragog was still dangerous, even in a dreamworld. Then I heard laughter and saw sunlight. I walked towards it, and saw Virgil and Roman having a picnic. Were they sharing a dream?? With some of Roman's powers, I wouldn't cross it off as a possiblity.

"Roman you dork, now you're covered in champagne!"

"At least it's only a dream."

"Doesn't it take more focus and energy to hold this daydream up?"

"Only if something distracts me. And right now, the only thing I find distracting is your beautiful laugh," Roman said sweetly. I 'awwed' slightly at the scene before me.

"Roman, you romantic nerd, I love you too."

They were in their Hallowen costumes. Virgil wasn't wearing his sweatshirt, though, and Roman was wearing his crown prop. Virgil was also wearing a necklace I don;t believe I've seen him wear before.

"Of course you love me, I'm me!"

Virgil just chuckled a little bit. "Don't get too big of a head just cause you're wearing that crown. Wouldn't want to ban you from the 'praiseful whispers' of your crown." Virgil smirked a bit.

"Oh, come on Virgil, I'm allowed to be a romantic sap and still love myslef a bit! And besides, my crown is nicer then your necklace, you'd love to borrow my crown."

"Maybe, maybe not. You won't ever know." Virgil smiled. It seemed genuine; it was brighter then he had ever flashed at me or Logan, or sometimes even Roman during filming. Same went for Roman, his smile was bright, and loud, just like normal, but it was happy. He was happy.

I walked over to them, interrupting the dream date they were having. "How're you kiddo's doing?" The whole world shook for a moment, when everything managed to realign itself.

"Patton?! Um, please tell me you're only visiting the dreamworld," Virgil said, ignoring my question and looking at me panicked.

"Well, no, kiddo, we came to get you guys. Logan and I are outside the Dark Sides Castle right now, I beleive. I don't get why they need an entire castle, shouldn;t the realm be enough of a gift?" The world shook again, and broke apart a few times before realigning itself.

"Patton, get out of there, now," Roman said sternly.

"But kiddo, I thought you wanted to be rescued?"

"Rescue- no, you have it all wrong-" the world shook again.

"Roman, concentrate!" Virgil snapped fearfully. Then turned to look at me and carefully said, "Pat, the Dark Side of the mind can have seriously bad effects on a Light Side, so please, fo your saety, wake up and get out of here with Logan."

"But Dee was gonna take us to see the 'kings'," I put finger quotes around the word 'kings', "to bargain for your safety."

"Pat, you don't need to do any of that. Thanks for caring enugh to risk your lives, but please, if you wake up and leave the castle, we'll vist as soon as possible!"

"Virgil, we need to leave anyway," Roman said, fading out of sight. Soon the world started breaking apart again, shaking.

"Patton, please," Virgil was practically begging. I made a decision. I shook my head no.

"Sorry kiddo, I'll wake up, but not to leave, I need to see you in person that you'r alright."

And as Virgil began fading out of vision, I woke up. In Logan's arms. I blushed slightly and poked him slightly. Logan looked down at me and smiled in releif. "What happened Patton? Why did you seem so worried about switching Talismans back?"

I buried my face in Logan's nice, soft clothes. "Mm.... I wanted to see if I could reach them... And.... I- I think not having my own Talisman for so long.... was kind of corrupting me... I wasn't feeling myself," I mummbled. Logan gave a hum in response.

"Where are we?" The setting seemed different then the outside of the Palace.

"Well, we're inside the castle. Deceit and Envy kept their promises. We'll see the kings soon enough, darling. Don't worry, I'm sure our guides know what they're doing," Logan said.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm running on coffee, not ignorance! That's Brian's job!" Was that Remy?!

"Ah. So you were the one Envy got that from. I was worried it was his shadow."

"Nah, I hope not at least."

"Remy?" I asked.

"Oh, the Moral High-Horse is awake. Good morning sunshine, and right on time too, we're getting close to the throne room."

"I swear, this place has gotten SMALLER!"

"Really?!" I asked, astonished. Deceit rolled his eyes at me.

"Nah, he means it got bigger. And Dee, you are most definately right. They're as extra as possible," Remy said.

"Wait, Remy, why are you here?"

"Why does everyone ask that?"

"And not about your broken nose," Deceit said nonchalantly.

"Anyway, we're here bitches! Welcome to your dooms, I imagine you signed the waver, we are not responsible for any injuries or imprisonment that may occur-"

Deceit elbowed Remy in the gut. "Ignore this baffoon. He enjoys phsyching people out. But are you sure you wanna do this?"

Logan set me down so I could walk on my own. "Yeah."


"Alright then... Be prepared, the kings aren't exactly.... what you might be expecting." Deceit said, and let Remy open the large doors to the supposed throne room. I took a deep breath. As long as I knew who and what I was fighting for-my FamILY-then I would be able to face whatver threat came towards me.

Two chapters a day? What? It must be witchcraft! Okay, I should really get some shut-eye as I still have school tomorrow, but I'll keep writing for a bit :P See you as soon as possible, Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals! ✌Peace Out!✌

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