Consuming the Light

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(bold words are direct lies from Deceit)


Well, the Lights are more idiotic then Virgil and Roman described. Patton and Logan (who was LOGIC) wanted me to get them Dark Side Disguises so they could infiltrate the Dark Scape.They really don't need disguises though. I've tried to tell them this, but they won't listen. So instead, I have to indulge them in there crazy fantasies.

"So here's the plan," Patton said. "Deceit, you'll lead us to the Dark Scape, and were Virgil and Roman are. Then while you distractthe other Dark Sides while we save Virgil and Roman."

"This plan will totally work."

"Thank you. Anyway, we need the disguises so we can pretend o be Dark Sides. That's the other part we need you in."

"Do you want to be captured?"

"What do you mean?"

I sighed. "If you really want to infiltrate the Dark Scape, the best entrance would be through the Imagination, there's an old castle in the other side of the Imagination, the side Remus owned. Inside that castle is a portal to the Dark Scape, but the portal only works for Dark Sides. The farthest the portal would take you guys as far as the Dark Side Borders. There are definately quicker portals, yes, but if you want to sneak in it's best to use a back enterance. One of the problems is that the quote-unquote 'animals' Remus left behind can be fatally dangerous. And annoying. So we'd have to sneak past any possible animals. Granted, most of them are nocturnal. The borders arent as annoying as your Light Side Borders. Oh wait, I also have a portal in your basement."

"Wait, since when do you have a portal in our basement?!"

"Since Envy introduced me to the Addams Family. Still, it only takes sides as far as the middle of the borders. That's confusing but oh well. Anyway, the borders of the Dark Scape are designed to keep out people who aren't supposed to be there, or weren't invited by whoever was in charge. But at the same time, the Dark Sides don't care, like, at all. So it's not that big of a deal."

"How do you-"

"I am an informed snake after all. So you really don't need to disguise yourselves-"

"Great! Let's get to the disguises now!" Patton said.

"You really want the costumes?" I sighed. "Fine, one second." I sunk out.

When I arrived back in he Dark Scape, Envy, Apathy, and Remy had a giant hose, and a bunch of things were on fire. "What the hell happened?!"

They all dropped the hose and pointed at each other yelling, "It was their fault! Hey! It was you're fault! Stop blaming me!"

"You can't blame me, I don't have an ability over fire!"

"That's a low blow, Remy!"

"Yeah! Leave my firey boyfriend out of this!" Envy yelled.

"En, I can defend myself. Somebody get my sword!"

"I'm leaving." I teleported back to the Light Sides. Ugh, I must be desperate to get away from my annoying friends and boyfriend. "I'm back."

"Oh good! We were worried."

"Sure you were. Anyway, here." I summoned both Logan and Patton new pairs of clothes. "Also one more thing." I took Logans tie and put it on Patton and gave Patton's cat sweatshirt to Logan.

"But, these are our talismans??"

"I know."

"That's dangerous," Logan said.

"Wait, it is? Huh, maybe it's only Dark Sides who can stand to be away from there talisman for longer then a day."

"Yes, Light Sides can spend only a few hours away from their talismans!" Logan said, worried. "Isn't that the same for the Dark Sides?!"

"Yes. Anyway let's go." I walked into my library and pulled out one of the books. It opened a secret hatch into plains with a cloudy sky overhead. "Lights first," I smiled. Patton and Logan grabbed each others hand and walked into the plains. "And you try to act like you're not dating," I muttered.

"What?" Patton turned and looked at me.

"Oh, nothing," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes and walking into the portal after those damned Lights. I guess I'll delay them to the castle as long as possible. Oh this'll be fun.

I have no excuses other then; I'm really lazy. See you soon, Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals!✌Peace Out!✌

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