The Darkness (Pt. II)

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Prides Kingdom


Once they entered the Dark Scape, the first thing Logan and Patton noticed, was the castle. "Was that always there?"

"Oh great, now there's even more stuff for the idiots to burn down. Anyway, welcome to the Dark Scape."

"There are... Certainly a lot of figments."

"What do you expect, us not to throw party's?"


Deceit rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I'll show you around." The Dark Scape wasn't as impressive as the Light Scape. But the village was nice. Patton was pretty sure he saw Ember, Anton, and Percy. But that wouldn't make sense cause they ususally hang out in the Imagination. Besides, Percy and Anton try to kill each other half the time, and the other half they try to destroy everything around them. "That's the Starbucks. Blame Remy. Most of this stuff is mostly Remy's fault."

"Wait, Remy? But-"

"You told him not to hang around us? It's Remy, he tends to do the opposite of whatever anyone tells him to do." Deceit shrugged and pointed out different places and things. "We even have a moat!" Deceit pointed at said moat. It was full of a number of dangerous aquatic animals. "Envy mostly has seawater animals so we don't use freshwater."

"Hey, Logie, let's go check out the cafe!" Patton dragged Logan towards the Starbucks. The number of figments there decreased exponentially as they all scattered. Well, except for the figment barista.

Deceit sighed. "Is it easier or harder to take care of Light Sides? Either way, I owe Remy twelve dollors."

"What can I get you, newest fuck ups?" Nessy said. He was the barista and he was checking his phone rather then pay attention. It was a miracle the cafe had managed to stay afloat with him being one of the only employees/barista, and Remy being the manager. But you know, who cares.

"Hello Nessy. What do you have?" Logan asked.

"Eh," Nessy shrugged. "The shit on the menu. You can have whatever, I guess."

"Nessy! Language!" Patton scolded. Nessy looked up finally.

"Oh it's you dorks. Hey. Anyway, how can I help you?" Nessy went back to his phone.

"Hey Nessy," Deceit said, walking over.

"Sup. The usual, Snake Face? I'm pretty sure the coffee machine broke itself again though," Nessy glanced into the kitchen, where everything was either boiling over, smoking, burning, rat infested, or already destroyed.

"Uh, maybe, I guess, I was actually just taking the Lights to the castle."

"Ah. Good luck. If they survive, let me know so I can kill them," Nessy said. The door made a ding noise.

"Hey, it's time for my shift- Nessy! What the hell happened!?" Imani said, glaring at Nessy.

"Eh, I don't know. I wasn't paying attention."

"He wasn't trying to kill you guys, right?" Imani asked, as he walked over to the Light Sides and Deceit. "It's tremendously infuriating when he does that."

"'Bleh, I'm Imani, I berade Nessy and use big words.' That's what you sound like right now," Nessy said, glaring at Imani.

"At least I make sure people are satisfied by what we give them! And berade is a big word too!"

"Hey, my cooking isn't that bad!"

"Last time you tried to make food, you made a cookie cake covered in pestillence and dead rats!"

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