Chapter 1

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A/N: Wow! Part three! Thank you guys so much for continuing to follow Mae and Opie!

This story will be a bit more expansive and along with featuring more club members in a bigger capacity, it will also have few appearances from my other OC Amelia from The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most. It's not necessary to read hers but it will certainly outline her background and make things clearer. I've named this story after a song by the band Saves the Day titled 'Do You Know What I Love the Most'. Slow start, as usual for my writing but I hope you'll stick with it!

Feedback is always appreciated, I absolutely love hearing from readers so feel free to review or message me! Thanks for the support. You guys rock! xoxo


Mae blinked her eyes open and, as usual, immediately they fell on the framed wedding photo that sat on her nightstand. Every morning she looked at it with a smile on her face as she remembered their little Vegas trip. Every aspect flashed in her mind, their ceremony, her dress, their faux reception and first dance to 'Just the Way You Are' as sung by the horrible Billy Joel impersonator. They hadn't planned or picked it but it matched them perfectly, every part of the trip, right down to the song. Six weeks, it had only been six weeks and although she remembered it perfectly it felt as though they had been married forever. Rolling over she stifled a laugh as she looked at Opie, drooling on the pillow with his hair in his face, completely knocked out. "Get up," she kissed him.

His eyes popped open and wiping the drool with the back of his hand Opie grunted. "Morning."

"Yes, it is." She kissed him and gave him a rough shake to be sure he was awake before jumping out of bed and right into the shower.

When she came down the steps in her fitted black suit Opie whistled, as he looked her up and down she rolled her eyes, gratefully taking the mug he offered her. "I like it, the whole business thing. I like it a lot." He always loved the professional look; something about it did more for him than some overly revealing outfit.

"Oh really?" Mae wiggled her eyebrows as the kids ran into the kitchen for a quick breakfast before catching the bus. "Are you sure they're okay taking the bus? I hate the idea of it." She whispered to him, setting out each of their lunches.

Giving her a peck on the cheek, he nodded and took his seat at the kitchen table. "They're fine, Mae. You have to leave early and this week I just can't do it, we're two guys short."

She pouted but understood, really it was such a small thing but it was those once trivial things that consumed her now. "At least I can pick them up."

Opie just smiled and sipped his coffee, "Yeah. They won't suffer, really."

"Are you okay?" There was a marked difference in him over the last week or two and Mae already thought she had an idea of what it was. She'd suffered it before, withdrawal, but his was of a different variety.

"Yeah, just tired. I'm pulling more OT tonight so I won't be home till later." He said as she prepared to leave. "I'll just grab something to eat after my shift, don't worry about me."

"I always worry about you," Mae kissed his cheek, "I love you."

"Loved you first."

"Have a good day you two, I'll see after school at the usual spot, okay?" They nodded as she kissed them each on the cheek. Opie walked her to the door and gave her one last kiss before sending her off with a smile.


Mae strolled down the hall to her office with more purpose than usual. Her new nameplate had finally come in and she was thrilled to have it changed to Winston. Smiling as she as slid it into the tracking, Mae read it a few times before opening the door. She stopped as she saw a tall blonde looking at her diploma hanging behind her desk. "Excuse me? Can I help you?"

The woman turned with an embarrassed little smile on her face. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was looking for Anthony Mitchell," she pointed to Mae's name on the various certificates and licensing on the wall. "I guess you're not him."

"No, he's my supervisor, down the hall second door on the right." When the woman didn't immediately move to leave Mae put her bag down and stared at her expectantly. "Is that it?"

"It is, I'm sorry Miss…" she glanced at the diploma again. "Callahan."

"It's Winston now, actually, but it's fine."

"You have a beautiful family." The woman looked at the picture from Ellie's school play that Mae had on her desk. "Strange to see a woman working here, Stockton prison is no joke." Mae didn't say anything, the statement felt vaguely threatening. "You know, you really look familiar."

"That's odd, I'm sure we haven't met."

"Must be your coloring," the woman smiled. Opie certainly liked them pale with dark hair, this one was a younger model. "You just remind me of someone." As the woman stepped out into the hall, she smiled and extended her hand. "I'm June, I'll be around here and there, maybe we'll have a chance to work together. It was nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too." Mae watched as the woman moved swiftly down the hall, her stomach turned as she replayed the entire exchange back again, it didn't sit right with her at all.


It wasn't a total lie. If she asked he would tell her and he had really worked two hours overtime before deciding to take Jax up on his offer to have a beer at the clubhouse. Mae knew they'd been in contact, a few catchup phone calls here and there and when Tara had come over to congratulate them on the wedding but this was more than that. Opie walked in the bar with a smile, the men sitting around roared and greeted him warmly. It wasn't until then he realized how much he missed them all.

"The prodigal son returns." Clay bellowed as he hugged Opie.

"For a beer, I'm just having a beer."

Of course, it ended up being more than just a beer. Opie hung around the club for a little over an hour, three beers worth of laughter and catching up, before he headed home. Mae had just stepped out of the shower when Opie walked in their bedroom, feeling relaxed and smiling.

"Hey," he beamed and kissed her. "How was your night?"

Smacking her lips Mae scowled, "I just brushed my teeth and you gave me a beer kiss. Gross."

"Sorry." Opie began stripping down and threw himself in bed with a big smile on his face. "I saw the guys tonight." He just wanted to tell her, he had to.

"You did?" It wasn't that he saw them, they were friends she understood it and liked that he had other men to hang out with it was just that he didn't tell her before. It felt odd, the whole day felt odd though starting with that damn woman. "I thought you said you had overtime?"

"I did but Jax invited me around, kind of a wedding celebration."

"One without the bride?"

Leaning up on his elbows Opie looked at her with his head cocked to the side. "I didn't want to lie. I had fun though, besides they were talking about a party, I think it's just an excuse to have one honestly."

Mae chuckled, although she was pissed he didn't tell her before, they threw parties for anything and it was to the point where she thought they'd just stopped coming up with reasons. "Just tell me next time, okay? I like our life, it's nice and it's safe. If you want to get back into the club, I think it's a decision we need to make together. You know I always support you, SAMCRO or not, just remember it's not just you anymore."

"I don't want to get back in with them, Maelynn." He plopped back down and tugged her on top of him. "It was a few beers, that's it." Opie meant every word in that moment; with the way things were going for them he couldn't see himself going back into earning with the club, that was the truth.

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