Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying this! If you feel like it please let me know what you're thinking! xox Thanks for reading.


"Hey," Clay was smiling wickedly when he arrived at Tig's house. They had a scheduled meet with their newest Irish contact to talk guns but Tig was hardly expecting a house call. "I know I'm early."

"Yeah, no it's alright, come in." Tig was just getting ready to meet Clay at the lot, as usual, but this visit threw him off. "Chibs still coming?" He asked, pulling his shirt over his head.

"Oh yeah, I just wanted to take a ride, see how you we're feeling." He slapped his hand against his stomach.

Tig brought his hand to his own stomach but didn't hit quite as hard. "Good, back in the game." With a suspicious look, Tig slipped his cut on and grabbed his keys. "That it? There's nothing going on?"

Seeing he'd made a false move by just randomly showing up Clay took the opportunity to fill Tig in on the cocaine dealings. It wasn't as delicate a situation as with Jax, Tig always had Clay's back. He was certain to leave out the fact that the deal was already set in stone, Tig would have an issue with that.

"I need you on this brother, vote's next week."

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Short term, right?" None of them wanted to dive in, Clay didn't really even want to aside from the money. "Short term. I'm gonna run and take a piss before we go."

Shutting the door as he raced into the bathroom Clay actually locked the door behind him, if it wasn't Tig he was betraying he wouldn't have been nearly as anxious. Pulling two little packets of sugar pills out from his pocket, he picked the one marked 'D' and slipped the other away. He quietly opened the vanity cabinet and, finding the bottle quickly, snatched up Amelia's antidepressant prescription. Unscrewing the lid carefully Clay sighed with relief to see he wasn't scammed, the faux pills were the exact size, shape and color of the real medication. He dumped the real ones in the toilet and replaced them with the placebos before quickly returning the bottle and shutting the vanity again. She carried her damn anti-anxiety medication in her purse for sudden panic attacks, that switch would prove to be difficult but he'd find a way. After flushing the pills away and washing his hands, he looked in the mirror and smiled proudly. Some crying and eventually an uncontrollable panic attack would be a nice start.

"Alright," he called out as he jogged down the stairs. "Let's go meet those fucking Micks."

"Hey," Amelia looked exhausted as she came in the house from work, it had been an early gig which meant she'd jump right back into bed. "Work?" She tossed her purse on the entryway table and Tig nodded toward the kitchen.

Clay barely acknowledged her but took the opportunity to switch her anxiety medication while she and Tig chatted in the kitchen. He was giddy as they hugged and she trotted up the steps.

"It'll be a late night, Meels." Tig hollered after her. "We got a run."

"I know, be careful." When she got into her room she text Juice and hoped he wasn't mad or worse, hurt. She'd been distant, removed from everyone, since she told Gemma what had happened. Amelia needed the time to lock it all back up, push the memories away from her conscious mind. She asked him if they were still on for the apartment walk through and what she was assuming was their first date. When she'd asked him Amelia felt ready for an actual date but now she was terrified.

"Yep, I'll pick you up at noon. You're okay, right?" He'd been trying to talk to her but she brushed him off, Amelia knew Juice wouldn't take that for long, she had to at least let him know she was still breathing. She assured him she was and apologized for being so short before muting her phone and snuggling into bed. There was never a time she felt better than when she was sleeping.

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